Date: 9/30/2006
Dive Location: Super Secret Bug Spot - N. Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach
Buddy(ies): Sorry, that's classified info - glycerin, im_a_piranah
Time: Ummm sorry ... I don't remember. - 7:23 am
Bottom Time: Uhhh .... like what do you mean exactly ? 92 min
Max Depth: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ! - 37 fsw
Vis: What vis ? 10-15+ ft
Wave height: Too big for you ! - 2-3+ ft
Temp at depth: Wouldn't you like to know ? - 62F
Surface Temp: Surface Temp this ! - - 64F
Tide information: Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you ! - Pushing ; High Tide @ 3:11 PM PDT, +4.69 ft
Gas mix: Special bug mix. - 21%
Comments: Hooked up with a crew of hunters looking for some fresh lobster flesh. We hit the secret lobster hole and cleaned up. The poor bugs never knew what hit em. Fresh tails are on the menu again. The end !
Actually, I met Josh for an early AM dive in Laguna. Today, we were joined by Ang, a recently certified OW diver. This was her first mainland shore dive. We opted for N. Crescent Bay, as it presented a few options depending on conditions. Site check at Crescent Bay revealed some lingering southern-hemi ground swell energy, in the 2-3 ft range, with occasional chest high sets closing out in the middle of the bay. Conditions looked a diveable, albeit slightly marginal. We decided to suit up and check it out.
After an uneventful entrance, we finned out and dropped near the splash rock. UW conditions were surgy (2-3 ft) and consequently vis was patchy due to the churning bottom. Once we squared away a few minor issues at the beginning, we went about our leisurely dive. Along the way, we checked out the cracks and holes in the reef for hidden creatures ... in particular, our favorite crustacean, Panulirus interruptus. We managed to nab a few, but most measured just short. We also found some other cool reef critters, such as octopi and morays. Of course, while actively hunting, we set very bad examples for the noob. Let's just say that things like trim, buoyancy, and minimizing reef contact are not always high on the priority list. Afterall, it's hunting ... it's not always pretty. Hey, but at least she was warned ahead of time
We eventually hit our turn pressure and reversed our tracks. We finished our dive with a nice relaxed swim across the sand, while holding a nice tight formation (this is part where we attempted to redem ourselves by trying to demonstrate some actual diving skill). We ascended just outside the surf line and timed the exit perfectly. Afterwards, we hooked up for a nice breakfast at the Cottage.
While not the typical season opening bug slaughter, it was still a nice long fun dive ... and there is some fresh lobster in the fridge
It was a pleasure to accompany Ang on her first Laguna Beach dive. The conditions today were pretty challenging due to the surf, surge, and sometime marginal vis resulting from some lingering SW energy ... but she did great, once she got relaxed and settled in. In fact, she was looking pretty solid toward the end of the dive. Congrats on the first beach dive ! Thanks to both for an awesome time.
Dive Location: Super Secret Bug Spot - N. Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach
Buddy(ies): Sorry, that's classified info - glycerin, im_a_piranah
Time: Ummm sorry ... I don't remember. - 7:23 am
Bottom Time: Uhhh .... like what do you mean exactly ? 92 min
Max Depth: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ! - 37 fsw
Vis: What vis ? 10-15+ ft
Wave height: Too big for you ! - 2-3+ ft
Temp at depth: Wouldn't you like to know ? - 62F
Surface Temp: Surface Temp this ! - - 64F
Tide information: Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you ! - Pushing ; High Tide @ 3:11 PM PDT, +4.69 ft
Gas mix: Special bug mix. - 21%
Comments: Hooked up with a crew of hunters looking for some fresh lobster flesh. We hit the secret lobster hole and cleaned up. The poor bugs never knew what hit em. Fresh tails are on the menu again. The end !
Actually, I met Josh for an early AM dive in Laguna. Today, we were joined by Ang, a recently certified OW diver. This was her first mainland shore dive. We opted for N. Crescent Bay, as it presented a few options depending on conditions. Site check at Crescent Bay revealed some lingering southern-hemi ground swell energy, in the 2-3 ft range, with occasional chest high sets closing out in the middle of the bay. Conditions looked a diveable, albeit slightly marginal. We decided to suit up and check it out.
After an uneventful entrance, we finned out and dropped near the splash rock. UW conditions were surgy (2-3 ft) and consequently vis was patchy due to the churning bottom. Once we squared away a few minor issues at the beginning, we went about our leisurely dive. Along the way, we checked out the cracks and holes in the reef for hidden creatures ... in particular, our favorite crustacean, Panulirus interruptus. We managed to nab a few, but most measured just short. We also found some other cool reef critters, such as octopi and morays. Of course, while actively hunting, we set very bad examples for the noob. Let's just say that things like trim, buoyancy, and minimizing reef contact are not always high on the priority list. Afterall, it's hunting ... it's not always pretty. Hey, but at least she was warned ahead of time

While not the typical season opening bug slaughter, it was still a nice long fun dive ... and there is some fresh lobster in the fridge