Date: April 26, 2006
Dive Location: Vets
Buddy(ies): Chris
Time: 7:00
Bottom Time: :45
Max Depth: 68'
Vis: 10 to 30 fsw, 20 below that
Wave height: 0-2'
Temp at depth: 59 at surface, 52 at depth
Comments: was supposed to get a run in, since I've been so bad lately, but headed to Redondo instead of the gym, just to see what it was like. Flat, pre rain, and little red tide, so I raced home to get my gear. Too quick so no camera
We dropped into 10 foot viz at 20 feet, headed east into the Canyon. Shortly I see a pipefish, always a good sign, these are one of my favorite species. Like a seahorse, but say we've each taken an end and pulled it straight Overall, saw around 10 of them, the most I've ever seen. My favorites are the ones "hiding" along an old kelp strand or in a clump of grass, swaying gently back and forth as if merely another piece of plant. They are also very curious, and will come right up to your light, or settle lightly on an outstretched glove
Dropping to 68 feet viz opened to 20 or so, or to the end of my light, which is really all I need. Loads of hermissendas laying their eggs up on the top of the sticks and eel grass. Tons of octos too, from a foot or so across to an inch or so across. Skeleton shrimp as far as the eye could see. Funny, thought I had only seen these shallow before, now they're everywhere. Evan found one attached to a pipefish. Some rotten stinking old squid eggs left over from the feast a couple months ago
Dive 716, 68 fsw, 48:00, 52 Suunto degrees below 50 feet, 59 up top, liking rising into a warm bath
Dive Location: Vets
Buddy(ies): Chris
Time: 7:00
Bottom Time: :45
Max Depth: 68'
Vis: 10 to 30 fsw, 20 below that
Wave height: 0-2'
Temp at depth: 59 at surface, 52 at depth
Comments: was supposed to get a run in, since I've been so bad lately, but headed to Redondo instead of the gym, just to see what it was like. Flat, pre rain, and little red tide, so I raced home to get my gear. Too quick so no camera
We dropped into 10 foot viz at 20 feet, headed east into the Canyon. Shortly I see a pipefish, always a good sign, these are one of my favorite species. Like a seahorse, but say we've each taken an end and pulled it straight Overall, saw around 10 of them, the most I've ever seen. My favorites are the ones "hiding" along an old kelp strand or in a clump of grass, swaying gently back and forth as if merely another piece of plant. They are also very curious, and will come right up to your light, or settle lightly on an outstretched glove
Dropping to 68 feet viz opened to 20 or so, or to the end of my light, which is really all I need. Loads of hermissendas laying their eggs up on the top of the sticks and eel grass. Tons of octos too, from a foot or so across to an inch or so across. Skeleton shrimp as far as the eye could see. Funny, thought I had only seen these shallow before, now they're everywhere. Evan found one attached to a pipefish. Some rotten stinking old squid eggs left over from the feast a couple months ago
Dive 716, 68 fsw, 48:00, 52 Suunto degrees below 50 feet, 59 up top, liking rising into a warm bath