Watts? Are you sure that isn't XXX Lumen/cm², Lumen/ft², Lumen/m², Lux, Phot, Nox, or Meter Candle's, you metric freak?Anti-American metric gurl:We had enough HID's to go around, so we must have blinded every ray in the surf zone as we head-butted our way into the frisky surf and out to our descent point. 21W + 18W + 10W = 49W of blaze...
For the rest of us still waving an American flag, that would be 1.18" midgets and 3.94" (can we round it up to an even 4 inches, you Euro?Reef Chick:The viz improved to nice black water as we slipped over the edge to see Hermissenda nudibranchs everywhere on the bits of kelp and debris. Nudibranch eggs decorated dozens of kelp fronds and eel grass strands. They are tiny here, just 3-cm midgets compared to the 10-cm Mighty Hulk-issendas thundering over Marineland right now....

Yeah. I rule. He was about 3/4" long.metric sucks:But very fun to find. Ken found the Tiniest gray Dendronotus nudi.. a new one for me.
Somebody hit her with a 4-pound hammer. She's back.mementary lapse back into real measurements:BEST FIND OF THE DIVE:
A red octopus, out in the open, frozen statue-still, clutching a 4-inch yellow rock crab. ....
Yes, folks. You did read 12 fsw and not 3.66666 meters.... I know. I'm shocked too. Maybe she really is back, has renounced her Euro status and has come back to her SoCal roots....I'm still an American:We kept finding and sharing cool discoveries all around. There is NOTHING like HIDs and good teamwork to bring out the fun of a life-rich night dive. We surge-surfed our way past more rays, pipefish, occassional sand dollars, and crabs, finally surfacing from about 12 fsw, parachuting upwards in that magical levitation trick. THAT is soooo much fun!...
Too much Reef Check and you slowly become metricized. I was thinking of hooking on to this program in Summer... I dunno know. After two meetings she's all Euro. Next she'll sell her glorious Element for some wacky mini bus, start diving a 15 litre tank and convert her SPG to Bar.... gad. I conceed you a DIN valve. That is your only concession.
Resist, 'Chica.