Saturday, April 8, 2006: Wrinkles dive, (sans Wrinkles... again...)
Redondo Canyon, Veteran's Park,
Mo2vation, Neophyte
7 PM Splash-down
40 minutes of underwater fun.
70fsw for a few minutes, then angling up the contours slowly.
15-20 foot viz in the canyon, about 15 on the sandy shallows
2-3 foot waves on entrance and exit, but breaking pretty softly.
"52F-warm" below the 40 foot thermocline.
56 F on the surface.
Rising tide to High @ 8:40pm, which improved the viz.
Good ol' sea-level air in the tanks.
Night Diving RULES!
I like Redondo Canyon...
at night.
Great micro-habitats, easily accessible, easily navigated.
Worth every second...
at night.
During the day?? :11doh: Saints preserve me, and give me somewhere else to be and something else to dive. La Jolla Canyon is
the diurnal canyon dive... always fun creatures, 'round the clock.
Redondo is a night dive.
So I dutifully attended the Los Angeles ReefCheck training class Saturday, 9-4, and then RUSHED to Veterans to meet up with friends and splash in... after dark

(Beautiful sunset, BTW)
We had enough HID's to go around, so we must have blinded every ray in the surf zone as we head-butted our way into the frisky surf and out to our descent point. 21W + 18W + 10W = 49W of blaze rolling out in a three-man formation along the sandy flats and down into the canyon. We enjoyed all the colors of
bay pipe fish, round rays, purple swimming crabs, yellow rock crabs, juvenile scorpion fish, poachers, lizard fish, a 4-cm box jelly, pink short spined seastars, Kellet's whelks, flatties (assorted variety pack) and a tiny spotted horn shark that just wanted to snuggle with Ken.
THIS is what I'm talking about!!! All this life was just on the sandy flats before we even got to the canyon edge.
The viz improved to nice black water as we slipped over the edge to see
Hermissenda nudibranchs everywhere on the bits of kelp and debris. Nudibranch eggs decorated dozens of kelp fronds and eel grass strands. They are tiny here, just 3-cm midgets compared to the 10-cm Mighty Hulk-issendas thundering over Marineland right now. But very fun to find. Ken found the Tiniest gray
Dendronotus nudi.. a new one for me. We missed the Triopha maculatas that MaxBT and Merry found during the day... so maybe day-diving here has its bright side..... Naw!!! (Just kidding! Nice pix, Phil

red octopus, out in the open, frozen statue-still, clutching a 4-inch
yellow rock crab.
It looked like a freeze-frame from a movie!!!
I blinked twice, waiting for time to begin to flow again!! "
Whazzup, Octavius??"
Then I noticed that only 7 arms were stretched tight around the crab, with the 8th lashing about looking for one more surface to grab. Mr. Crab was in a tight spot, and we must have just missed the ambush. I hovered in amazement as the octopus tightened relentlessly. This entree was going nowhere but down the hatch. Not wanting to disturb dinner, we headed up the slope looking for more great stuff.
We kept finding and sharing cool discoveries all around. There is NOTHING like HIDs and good teamwork to bring out the fun of a life-rich night dive. We surge-surfed our way past more
rays, pipefish, occassional sand dollars, and crabs, finally surfacing from about 12 fsw, parachuting upwards in that magical levitation trick. THAT is soooo much fun!
Adam, you're glomming onto this stuff as fast as you can blink. HIDs are pretty cool, eh?? I can't believe this was only your 2nd night dive, man!! You did great, and the team worked.
Ken, Thank you for yet another superb team dive. I learn something everytime I dive with you, and it keeps getting better. You are so precise underwater it just blows my mind... wow.
The extended Post-dive briefing at El Torito included reports on the neck-and-neck extinction race of Assyrians and pandas... Nearly overshadowed by those Minnesotan Bengal tigers snack-attacking their Barnum-Bailey-wannabee, lumberjacking care-takers. I thought narcosis was supposed to resolve upon ascent :huh: .....
It was great to dine with so many fun people!!
You shoulda been there

Miss a Wrinkles dive at your own risk! You've been warned :14: .