The Great local dive shop vs. online debate

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Governor once bubbled...

Actually, Yes. The prices (as quoted by LDS) kept me away from scuba for the last 30 years or so. I love water and I have been swimming and snorkelling with some (very basic) free diving ever since I can remember. Nevertheless I have many other interests and I could easily get by without ever trying scuba and it was the affordability factor that finally made me to embrace the sport. I didn’t need to know that “the prices were out of line” to know that they were too high to be justified. Unlike some more passionate members of this board I have no intention of defending my point of view or discussing this particular issue any further. I believe that I have explained my position adequately but if someone chooses to held different view so be it.

We question almost everything here, it broadens our horizons helps to avoid a narrow view. Thanks anyway for the elaborations you were willing to share.
froop once bubbled...

It may be The Wrong Thing to do, but I don't believe that what I did was in any way unethical. Agreed, I did not offer my purchase price, nor did they ask, but I did say that I had a much cheaper price, and was informed that dropping their price to any more than 5-10%, they would rather not make the sale.

You did the right thing to pressure them to deal, to survive they must learn to make deals. If they aren't willing to salvage your business they certainly don't deserve it. You did leave this info out of the original post, I'm glad you gave them a shot at your business.

Thanks for sharing.
I am the same way, I have tried to buy from the LDS, I have offered to pay full price on some of the items for cost on others, dag darn it, they always swear they can't negotiate. I have spent well over $3000 on LP this year, but not because I wanted too. My LDS made me. I think they are choosing their own fate.
but when it comes down to it if they can't get within 10% or thereabouts then I will buy online.

(This ignores things that they can't even play in the game on, like things they don't stock and would have to order!)
is an authorized seller. You have a warranty.

LP backs all their products with the same warranty you'd have from the manufacturer. No issue there, other than perhaps shipping costs.
I do business with my LDS because:

a] The operator is my friend and instructor. I want him to do well.
b] When a retractor froze up after being used twice they switched for a new one. No questions asked.
c] They let divers hang out at the store and talk diving in the middle of the winter.
d] They do business with me.
e] There arn't many dive stores in my area which is inland from the Great Lakes. Staying in business isn't easy for the ones that do try it here. If they go out of business I'll wind up driving 80 miles for "O" rings.

I think it's worth it to pay a little more for service.
I've had a couple of issues with gear lately. I had a UK HID Light Cannon flood. The dive shop replaced it. I know UKs reputation but the dive shop is responsive - that is service.

In another instance my Cochran console retractor snapped (I'm glad this happened during a pre-dive check). No questions asked again replaced.

The key to success here is hands on, no hassles, face to face communication, personal, reasonable, genuine concern about the consumer and their own reputation.

While I've never purchased anything Scuba related on-line, I'm just not willing to sacrifice these things - not even one time.
and for the most part I do, however when it comes to paying $600 for an item at my LDS or $298 for the same exact item over the internet. This is not a question of supporting my LDS it is a question of weather or not I get the item.
Additional data points for the 'online vs. LDS' discussion...

Yesterday I made the explicit decision to throw some biz to the LDS down the street. Was going to cost more, but I'd have the items in hand for xmas giving and I felt like they'd earned some of my dough for answering questions and occassionally letting me fondle the toys.

Called them, specified the pieces I wanted, asked them to check inventory for availability, and was assured that the merchandise would be on the counter waiting for

Stroll in, ask for the gear only to find that one item was NOT in stock and the other was NOT the model I requested over the phone. I got 'sorry dude, my bad...want me to order those for ya?' as an apology. Oh, and that would be Special Order with express shipping charges to get it here by xmas.

Went back home, got on the keyboard, had both items purchased in less than 15 minutes. They'll be here Wed. or Thurs.

I've never run a retail operation, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the right way to maintain customer loyalty.

Bad dog, no biscuit...

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