The Great local dive shop vs. online debate

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By damage, I didn't mean functional damage (i.e. the stuff isn't safe to use) I meant scuff marks and other cosmetic damage that automatically decreases the value from out of the box pristine components. Fingerprints, scratches, items stuffed back in the box improperly etc are all things that devalue the product.

Originally posted by Mike Newman
Achen - I respect your view, you're clearly entitled to your own opinion. Frankly, I doubt that damage occurs frequently - or anything but rarely - to computers and other gear checked out in an LDS.
Enjoy your diving! :D
Make sure that whoever you are buying from online is an authorized dealer.... The money you save might, not be a savings in the end if any problems arise and it isn't under warranty.
Thank you for that thought. Leisure Pro seem to aim off for any warranty problems by providing one themselves that guarantees to match the original manufacturer's.

I hope not to test this out - but only time will tell.
Even if there is no warranty, money that is saved by buying on-line will easily cover any repairs or might even buy you another brand new unit.
I have purchased a few items on-line e.g. a dive light, a wet bag, camera and my first wet suit. I've used both Diver's supply and Leisure Pro. I am VERY hesitant to purchase stuff that breaks or tears or malfunctions on-line. As an example, prior to a trip this spring, I found my dive computor to be kaput! I called the local dive shop where I typically purchase my gear. They sent it back to the manufacturer for service, followed up on the item and loaned my ( at no cost ) a replacement. While an on-line shop could and might have handled the service, I don't think they have capability to loan a replacement. Also, I am very concerned about my safety and regularly bring my gear in for yearly service ( which I pay the labor charge); howver, if I've not used the gear in several months, I've been encouraged to bring the gear by the shop for a quick evaluation. This is done gratis. I can't see how Diver's Supply or Leisure Pro can handle this service. Finally, I like supporting the local shop where possible!
I do my best to always try to buy at my lsd first,but if the price is a huge differnce I will buy on line...;-0
I do my best to always try to buy at my lsd first,but if the price is a huge differnce I will buy on line...;-0
The LDS's in my area (there are 4) all carry a different manufacturers line, with some small exceptions. Out of 4, 2 are almost always at or near online prices, without bringing up the subject on the part of the buyer. This tells me two things. First, they do their homework, and know what the market is asking for a product. Secondly, they tell the wholesaler to play fair and give them the oportunity to compete with online stores.

I have been in business for 14 years, and managed a wholesale distributor for 4 years prior to that. (Security Systems) When I talk to my favorite LDS, I talk to him businessman to businessman. We both know that if we are not making at least 24% gross margin on the products we sell, we will go broke. I'm sure he tells me far more than he would tell the average customer, and from what he has told me, the manufacturers and distributors are completely mad! They are cutting their own throats. To offer a retailer who has no support, knowledgeable sales force, or show room of any kind, lower pricing based merely on volume. Is a sure recipe for disaster. How in the heck do they think that a non diver will ever be exposed to their produce, if all they have to market their produce is a web site. The local retailer is the first place a new customer will go to, in order to look at and touch their product. It is this local retailer that has a "showroom" that should be getting 3rd column pricing. 4th column pricing should be reserved for storefront operations that have meet a predetermined volume. A non storefront operation should never get "the lowest" pricing ever!

I will never buy online, from any retailer that has not invested in this sport, in a way that a LDS has. A LDS that also sell online as a supplement to the storefront, training and support they offer, in my opinion, does not fall into this catagory. They would see business from me, if they carried a product which I could not source locally.
Originally posted by pt40fathoms
I will never buy online, from any retailer that has not invested in this sport, in a way that a LDS has. A LDS that also sell online as a supplement to the storefront, training and support they offer, in my opinion, does not fall into this catagory. They would see business from me, if they carried a product which I could not source locally.
Just curious....

how much more expensive ($ or %) would a locally-available item have to be before you'd turn to an online LDS?
Here is the way I looked at it when I was I ds customer before I owned one. If you want to save real money you need a good price on the consumables. Defog, Airlines charter fees, breathing gas. food, hotels and stuff like that. How long does a reg last? What does it cost per dive? if you pay 600 instead of 300, how does that effect your cost per dive or per trip as a percentage. I have a feeling that the percentage savings is insignificant (300/total diving costs for 5 years). Now if you had a good relationship with your lds and received a deal on air or nitrox or other favors that we are always doing for people how long would it take to get the 300 back over and over? When you spend your money are you sending the signals to the industry that you think you are? The mesage that I get is that I should close the store front (it costs a lot of money, buy web advertising instead) and stay in the back room at the computer terminal. Why teach? No profit there (just a lot of risk) need to jocky the keyboard. Why change the oil and filters in the compressor? Just shut her down. Why mix gas? I could be packing up tomarrows UPS shipment. Why spend all the money, energy and time that we do to further our dive education? We don't need to know diving, we need web design. Why stand out front answering questions til ten at night? pack boxes, spiff up web site or just go home. Now that we're in to this online thing, why scuba gear? I think the margin and volume would be higher with adult videos.

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