The Chat Thread formerly known as "Friends request?"

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I sent friend requests to people I know or have interacted with, people I respect and people I've pissed off, either as myself or my former self. If you have a request from me, it's highly likely that you fit in one of those slots.

That must be why I had to ask YOU to be my friend huh . . .
I sent friend requests to people I know or have interacted with, people I respect and people I've pissed off, either as myself or my former self. If you have a request from me, it's highly likely that you fit in one of those slots.

HMMM which category do I fit in?
Oh yeah, there's also a slot for those who have pissed me off, hence all the the MODs in my friend list.

Thanks for reminding me. :wink:

Kidding, I am kidding.
It's creepy when people with whom you've never interacted send you a friend request. Are they that lonely? That pitiful?

If you want friends, talk to people, interact with them, you'll make friends. In the meantime, if we don't know each other, don't send a friend request to me. It just makes you look like a wierdo.


Will you Be my Friend.........:rofl3:
Since I'm not posting on the board as much as I used to, it was great hearing from old friends, like Walter and Dee. It was kinda like getting a 'poke' on my facebook.

But, it was creepy getting requests from men I have never had any previous encounters with at all. I'm wondering how they even thought to send me a friend request.

Also, I don't like that your name comes up as the last 10 that looked at someone's profile. I wish that part could be taken off.

You don't like the Stalker Tracker?
You don't like the Stalker Tracker?

LOL Good name for it. Pretty weird. I can't believe my profile has been looked at by 54 people.

Also I would like to know who 24940 was in his former life, since I agreed to make him a friend. Someone do tell..

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