That would be my suggestion. The whole handhelds are just as good is bs imo. The only benefit is when you realize you made a mistake your handheld can become a backup primary. But you should buy with the goal of not needing to upgrade. You may stgay a tourist cave diver, but you may eventually start scootering and diving ccr. A can light can last 5-6 hours. Most handhelds won't. That's just my opinion. Those who like handhelds, great. But for me it's not even a questionSo the consensus is to start with a canister light and skip the hand held ones
If you're willing to spend the money on a new light, then LD40 all the way. THe EX35 can't even be compared to the LD40. And the LD40 is a huge upgrade from the 35. The 35s beam is too wide and leads to too much backscatter. The LD40 is significantly better even if the difference in beam angle is small.Would be great to see a comparison of LD40 LD35 EX35
A picture of the same spot illuminated by different lights one at a time
Perhaps something like that already exists or was posted before?
If I were buying now (after 13 years of cave diving all the way up to cave ccr/dpv) I would look at both the focus 2.0 and the LD40. Both fantastic lights but also very different. My wife dove an UWLD for years and moved to the FOcus 2.0 and would never consider going back to UWLD. For me, I greatly prefer UWLD. Also if you go Focus 2.0, get it on an e/o and either just buy the head only or buy the complete setup with battery, but get a better battery from Light Monkey. The 2.0's battery is small and doesn't last long enough for some of the dives we do. So having it on an e/o to go back and forth between the halcyon small battery for sub 3 hour dives and a LM battery for longer 5 hour dives is nice. At this point in your cave career you can do fine with the halcyon battery, but the e/o makes it more future proof.