That monthly thing

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I've added the spoiler button to two posts.

It should make it a bit easier to skip the TMI parts.
And here I was thinking this thread was about monthly car payments!!!

When I say Taboo I mean Here In New Zealand It's a cultural thing with the maori here.... It's What they call tapu and no woman is sposed to enter any body of water while mensturating.

Really? I have never heard that. ( but my GF aparently has).
Im sure its never stopped her and I hope it never stops anyone else. It may be culturaly insensitive to the Maori but there insistance of it would be culturaly insensitive to everyone else.
Ok, thanks again for all your's been really kind of all of you to respond to such a personal question.

I wasn't worried about the shark thing at all, but thanks.

Um, TMI meter now.....sorry.

Ok, I tried one and it hurted like hell!! I could barely sit down, let alone walk around with it.

I'm totally depressed about this.....

Guess I'll try one that isn't super-plus and so on and try again...but, if it hurts again like hell, then, really my options are really limited.

Sorry......and thanks again...
Um, TMI meter now.....sorry.

Ok, I tried one and it hurted like hell!! I could barely sit down, let alone walk around with it.
Just a thought... did you have it inserted correctly? Sometimes if it's not in quite right, it can cause discomfort. I'd definitely try again.

Tampax makes a nice range of sizes -- Lites Junior and Slender Regular may be ones to experiment with.

Good luck!
No info in your profile but I’m guessing you’re young and just not used this whole thing yet. Wonder where on the planet you are?
Excellent tips already.
Inexperience and big size tampon is understandably uncomfortable. If you’re young and (ahem) inexperienced, I cannot imagine you even getting a super size in! Maybe just me but until I was married I used the junior size and was a gusher. My way of thinking, a tampon size was more for plugging the hole and absorbing while it’s there, not really the amount expected absorbency capability. And, unlike a pad that just catches what comes out, a different principal.

In the US OB makes a very short small tampon with no cardboard etc, can be much more comfortable. Cannot imagine using any type of pad. They are bad enough soaked let alone being submerged, YECK. I’d really work on the tampon thing or look for a sort of an internal cup/drain plug vs a sponge (tampon), check around for those. (One of the nice things about aging is not having to deal with that any more. But since it wasn’t mentioned perhaps they are no longer on the market.)
From the boats I’ve been on, changing mid dive trip would be a challenge for someone as uncomfortable as you sound. I’d really practice at home to know what things like anatomy feel like and understand the diagrams to know what you’re doing, makes the whole process more comfortable. Still I’d say just insert new at the last possible moment before boarding the boat. Leave it there, and when on surface back it up with a pad if you’re really sure you’re going to drip. Also Black doesn’t show blood seepage. If you’re really amped about showing anything…I am still young enough I remember that….just pull the lower part of wetsuit off and shorts over – both under the cover of large beach towel, huge t-shirt or sweatshirt. Heck I can completely change my clothes with a large t-shirt on. The key to being unnoticed is to quietly, calmly go about your business presuming no one is paying any attention to you. If you make a big show of being uncomfortable about something, you’re guaranteed a big audience.
just in support of crazytom (as i know we all are) im nearly 40 and never used tampons.. ever. and dont plan on starting to as well.

what do i do.... hmmm. firstly is that when in water i dont mensturate. like a previous poster i find when i wake up the flow is heavy but only because ive been lying down all night.

i dont dive on day 2 as thats my heavy day... day 1 is usually spotting only and day 3 is hardly anything

i dont have any advice for you im sorry, just wanted to let you know youre not the only one thats new to it and i applaude you asking!

cheers and happy diving
crazyTomato, the more absorbent the tampon is, the more difficult it is to insert it and remove it if you do not have the flow to support it. Most of the instructions advise that if it is difficult to insert or remove, you are using a tampon that is too absorbent for your needs - therefore it is too dry and difficult to insert and remove. It is also difficult to position it correctly if it is too absorbent and will cause discomfort. Super-plus or anything extremely absorbent should only be used if you have an extremely heavy flow - for your own health and safety. It is often better to use a slightly less absorbent tampon and change it more frequently.

I find that OB or anything without an applicator is definitely for an experienced tampon user and someone who is very comfortable with their body.

Playtex makes a range of easy to use tampons with a plastic applicator - easy, comfortable, and little or no mess. Remember to start with a mid-range absorbency and work your way up as needed, if needed. There are even boxes that come with a variety pack of absorbencies. Good luck! :)
[SIZE=3The key to being unnoticed is to quietly, calmly go about your business presuming no one is paying any attention to you. If you make a big show of being uncomfortable about something, you’re guaranteed a big audience.[/SIZE]

This is a big point about dealing with a lot of personal / modesty inhibitions. You are an active outdoors-person in the company of similar folks. Everyone at one time or another has something to deal with where they would prefer privacy but it's just not going to happen. Quietly going about your business under a trowel, big T shirt or changing cloak will go a long ways.

Practice and experieince are your firends here.

Oddly even "regular" folks are very accomodating. I have carried on many conversations with curious non divers while changing in a cloak apres dive.

BTW my wife as a pad gal until whe started diving. The first time she had a "conflict" she tried tampons and I think she's switch over 100% for simplicity.

Tampons are uncomfortable at first, I hope you've tried applicator and non applicator etc... In fact most chemist's stock a range of "sample" stock so you can try before you buy...
Once you've tried them successfully you'll find them more comfortable...

If you are trying them and you don't have your period then you might like to try a bit of lubrication like KY or something cause otherwise it'll hurt like hell.. good luck....
Well, first let me say that I have no experience menstruating so I cannot offer you any advice on what works better. Second, I haven't been on any charter trips yet so can't offer any advice on that either.


How about this? From a non mensturator (menstruatee?) perspective, but old enough (51) to understand and be sympathetic, let me offer this: life is what it is and you do what you have to...unless you're diving on a boat with a boatload of jerks or all teenage boys, you probably don't have anything to worry about.

My guess is other divers will be understanding and go out of their way to NOT make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you do not make a big deal out of it yourself.

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