Thats such a harsh statement Cappy.... "no business". My background hobbies are paragliding, hang gliding, single hand off-shore sailing (long distance), World Cup ice yacht racing. Saying I have no business in a simple overhead situation is one of the most uninspiring comments I have received in years. As a career fireman who is used to zero vis adrenalin bumps I love going where others don't dare. But I have heard enough deaths contributed to caves I just have no reason to go in very far. I justify every move I make flying alone and on the seas as risk assessment.... as far as caves go, there is no gold, diamonds or money to be made in them, so I don't expect to have much reason to go in. I think it is a great idea to learn about diving them to learn all I can about advanced diving, but thats about it for me. Terrifying, yes. Manageable, yes.
I am new to this forum and was reluctant to post thinking I don't need any bashing. I just want to learn more about diving from others experienced ahead of me. But ego driven comments such as "I don't have any business" are simply mean spirited. I DO have business in learning. And I remain excited to read more comments about techniques, advice, etc rather than what I have no business in.
Sail on!