Hello All;
I am planning to continue my training in the direction of technical diving. I was looking at several agencies IANTD, TDI and GUE. For what I have seen GUE seems to have the toughest requirements, which I don't think is a bad thing.
Besides the quality of the instructor would you recommend GUE?
First off, it would help to understand your goals ... "technical diving" is a term that covers a wide range of diving styles and applications.
Are you interested in diving wrecks? Caves? Use a rebreather? All of these (and much more) fall under the aegis of technical diving ... and not all of it is compatible with what you will learn at any one of those agencies.
While I am not as experienced as others here in the realm of technical diving, I have had some training from all three of the agencies you mentioned above. You are correct in your statement that GUE has the most rigorous requirements ... that is, in part, due to their emphasis on a unified team style of diving. While all of those agencies will specify gear requirements that are similar, GUE makes the least allowances for variants from their specifications ... and only when the variants make sense to the goals of the dive (as opposed to "personal preferences"). That style of diving doesn't appeal to a lot of people ... while to others it makes a great deal of sense. You have to decide, based on your own personal diving goals, if it makes sense to you.
While you're at it, I would also recommend you take a close look at NAUI Tech ... they are positioned somewhat between the "common sense/personal preference" approach of IANTD/TDI and the "everyone will do things the same way" approach practiced by GUE. From a gear perspective, GUE and NAUI are almost identical.
This really isn't a topic for the new diver's forum ... and a thorough discussion could take volumes of threads to cover properly. I would recommend that you spend some time in the Technical Diving forum, and ask more specific questions based on why you want to become a technical diver. Everyone will have personal preferences, based on their own training and experience. Mine is to try different classes from different agencies and instructors ... to provide a broad basis of experience and perspective.
FWIW - there are excellent and less excellent instructors in all of the agencies. GUE seems to provide the most consistency, in part due to the small size of the organization and the limited number of available instructors. Being in Florida, you will have better access to GUE instruction than most of the rest of the world, and that may be an advantage if you choose to go in that direction.
Best of luck ... take some time, consider your goals carefully, and definitely invest some effort into researching and interviewing whatever technical instructor you choose before signing up for the class.
... Bob (Grateful Diver)