Tec Diving BCD

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Jason Hunter

Reaction score
North Carolina
# of dives
200 - 499
I’ve been diving for roughly twenty years give or take and I’ve been diving my Scuba Pro gear for about the last decade. Never any issues.

I’m in the process of doing the book work for tec 140/145/150 and need to start looking at a doubles set up for training. I’m pretty happy with Scuba Pro and have looked at their Tec line.

What’s everyone opinion of and experience with Scuba Pro’s tec equipment vs everything else out their.

Thanks for the time
I like their wings. They are solidly built and sensible but... a bit pricey. I strongly prefer the ScubaPro balanced power inflator to the typical inflator style that most others wings use. I feel as though I’m in the minority as most seem content with the ‘normal’ tech style inflator. Their stainless back plates are perfectly fine. I really do not like their “form” harnesses. I think most would say that the “pure” harness is the one to get. I personally prefer the DiveRite TransPlate harness.
Most people just use a basic BP/W with a basic Hogarthian style harness for tech diving. Tech gear is some of the most basic simple stuff out there.
Scubapro was actually late to the game with technical gear, and of course it’s overpriced and overfluffed in typical SP style. They are just a bandwagoner AFAIK.
Dive Rite was one of the first around, OMS came a little later, then Halcyon, Oxycheq, DGX, Etc. There are much better, cheaper, and simpler ways to go besides SP for BP/W.
There’s nothing in SP’s technical line that doesn’t have a less expensive, more suitable option from another manufacturer.

They’re an “also ran” that saw the technical bandwagon coming and jumped on it as it was driving past. Unfortunately they missed and are still chasing it down the road.
I've got a couple of these Scubapro BPWs


wing is a bit HUGE for singles ok for doubles, might wrap some bungee around it.
who knows fashions change
Halcyon is the best but pricey. However their quality control is definitely there. I’d recommend their gear especially their wings if you know you’re going to be going 2 feet first into the sport where you want every help you can get!

XDEEP, DIR zone, tecline, ..... diverite are also good options.

Get the basic single one piece harness w/crotch strap with a basic backplate. Don’t get a doubles BC or a double winged BC, ever.
It's good gear but overpriced for what you will need. For tec classes you will need a backplate, wing and basic harness. You won't need a chest strap, shoulder pads, a dozen D-rings or padded back pad. This is all you need:
DGX Custom - DGX Singles Harness / Backplate / Wing Package | Dive Gear Express®

Interesting that the OP said he was specifically looking for a doubles capable BCD your recommendation was that a DGX singles set was all he would ever need, seem a little odd since DGX offers a BP/W with a doubles wing as well. I have not seen many folks give good reviews of any wing that tried to be both a singles and doubles wing.

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