Curacao is different than Bonaire. You don't have the beach areas like at Sunset Waters and other divesites on Curacao, on Bonaire the reef is a lot closer to shore. So there's typically coral rubble in the surf and ironshore both onshore and just offshore. Go to for pictures of what to expect. The brown stuff just offshore - that's the ironshore...
I've done the Sunset Waters dive and it's easier than most entries you'll find on Bonaire. As awap posted, there is Ironshore just offshore at a lot of Bonaire sites that you have to negotiate over. And it's sharp and slippery. I went down at Angel City and have a permanent 1x4" scar on my shin to prove it. But
after doing that, we were able to find easy entries at most of the 15 or so divesites we did - Karpata being the exception. And I skipped 1000 Steps, more for the walk back up with gear than the entry.
Having said that, if you're careful it's not a problem. Pick your entry points, a lot of the sites on the ironshore have small sandy coves that make entry/exit easy - as long as you can find the entry point swimming in. Most aren't visible until you walk along the water so stop and look don't just drive by. A good example is Vista Blue, it's mostly ironshore except for a couple of sandy openings. You can see it in the picture on (site 21) . Simple entry/exit from there. But it's an Advanced dive, currents can be ripping there in the afternoon.
Along the south sites, park your truck in front of your entrance point for reference, it'll be the tallest thing at some of them. At eye-level in the ocean it's harder to spot a break in the ironshore than you might think.
Another option is to dive the resorts. Capt. Don's is on both the Cliff and LaMachaca named sites, Buddy's has a great reef as does Divi. Plaza where you're staying is on the 18Palms dive site - north end of the resort. It's all beach in that area afaik. Wannadive/Eden Beach is on another named site and between Den Laman and Sandollar condos is Bari Reef, which has the most counted species of fish in the Caribbean. All have facilities/showers/lockers and dive docks with stairs for easy access.
Salt Pier is another site with easy "beach" access. DM accompanied only dive since the port regulations went into effect a couple years ago. And if you're night diving, Town Pier is the signature Bonaire dive - as well as having steps right down into the water. Need a DM for that one also.
btw, I'm 50 also...