tanks boots, etc

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United States, Wisconsin
I am going to purchase a couple tanks soon, but don't want any extras on it. My LDS whats to sell me a "package" that includes somethings that I feel are completely unecessary. For example a plastic mesh paint protector and tank boot.

I am looking for some opinions on this stuff. Do I really need them?
you don't need them. Some tank boots can be an entanglement hazard, not to mention that your tank could rust under the boot, and unless you remove it often and claen it you won't know. As far as that plastic mesh thing, I wouldn't waste the money, it might look pretty and keep your tank looking pretty longer, but a few paint chips won't hurt you.
Originally posted by BigDiver
Do I really need them?
No... but most tanks come with the boots from the manufacturer unless you order them bootless. Since most folks with single steels like the boot so they can stand the tank up I suppose this is OK... but we knock them off and nail them to the wall to hang hoses and rope and electrical cord and stuff on. The boots create an inordinate amount of drag on the tank but absolutely zero drag nailed to the wall... so unless the are knocking off $5~6 for going bootless you might as well take them for hangers.

Ya see, the deal is... that there netting... that's a real deal ya see... it's a dealer add on kinda like that there *true coat finish* they put on cars sold in Fargo...

You don't need netting and you don't want netting... snag~n~drag man... that is all it is.

As Barbara Bush taught us: "Just say no!"
Oh, Uncle Pug!

"The boots create an inordinate amount of drag on the tank"

I doubt that a tank boot causes a lot of drag. They aren't necessary- but tank boot drag is insignificant compared to all the other drag on a scuba diver.

They are nice to stand a tank up on but they aren't necessary.
If you were to compare tanks only in water tank-one with boot and one without-you'd see a great increase in drag with the former.

But as a percentage of total drag on a outfitted diver a tank boot is insignificant-even with doubles.........even for a....oh hell, I'm gong to say it! even for the "torpedo like" profile of the D.I.R. diver.
Come on, Uncle Pug, you really can't compare your profile to that of a jet powered aircraft, traveling at 350mph!!!!!

Divers are more like a lumbering sea turtles.

The dive boot is unecessary, as you say, but not because of drag.
Uncle Pug got me thinking about streamlining and seeing as most of the water resistance comes from the B.C. and tank I started to think how you could make that more streamlined.

Then I remembered how Jaques Cousteau and his gang used to use those streamlined looking tank setups, thingies........

But where was their wing all the time??? huh? I don't remeber seeing anything puffing out from underneath their streamlined "dive packs"

So where did they hide that wing?
Thanks for the information about tanks. It just reinforced some of the feeling that I already had.

Good luck on your discussion about drag.

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