Check external surface for corrosion. Determine type of corrosion and the depth of
what seems to be the deepest pit, or deepest part of the broadspread corrosion (see
NOTES 5 and 6).
Record the location and whether the corrosion is isolated pit corrosion, line, or
broadspread corrosion on THE FORM. (For visual examples, see FIGURE 9 and
PHOTOS 11 and 12.)
CONDEMN all cylinders with one or more external corrosion pits over 0.060
inch (1.53 mm) deep in the sidewall, crown, and/or base.
CONDEMN all cylinders with external line or broadspread corrosion when one
or more pit, or the broadspread corrosion, is over 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) deep in
the sidewall or crown.
CONDEMN all cylinders with external line corrosion over 6 inches (152 mm)
CONDEMN all cylinders with external broadspread corrosion covering more than
25% (one fourth) of the cylinder.
If other pits are present, check a few more to be sure the cylinder is fit to return to