I used to sell a product that had a label on the top when you opened the box. The label was designed by a very funny engineer and said "Try it our way first". Of course being a guy I ignored the label and assembled the the product my way and had to tear it half way back down once I hit a snag. I learned a lesson that no matter how smart I think I am someone else had a reason for making that label. Same thing here the tanks are rated for a reason; out of 100,000 tanks 99,999 of them can handle the higher pressure no problem. You are the unfortunate one that has the 1 that can't or are you? I for one will never find out. I look at it this way anyone who would over fill a tank will cut other corners as well and that is a a problem. Ask any tech diver you admire if they cut corners and I'll bet they do not. I only put this up since it was news to me. It was not to debate if the unsafe practice of over filling is OK, please feel free to over fill your tank (seriously it is none of my business). Please do not encourage others to do this; you have nothing to gain and they have everything to lose.