Thanks for being concerned with my lack of education due to the failure of the public school system, I am much more focused on the hockey game I am watching than my spelling at this time. I am sorry I opologize to you. If it would make you happy I will use spell check.
Now lets move on with the intended subject of this thread being firehouses filling out tanks.
The piont I was trying to make was the mayor thinks it would be ok for the firechief to fill my tanks because the equipment belongs to the community. The fire chief thinks different. I go to another firehouse that I am friends with the chief and he fills our tanks and is happy to do so.
I have nothing against firemen, my brother was a fireman untill he had to carry a charred infant from a burning trailer. He never recovered. I am also the alternate goalie for the fire/police dept beer league ice hockey team. Nothing against the fireman, only the tax dollars wasted on things like ladder trucks when we only have two buildings over 2 storys tall in our community.