Tampa Bay area Divers, Part 2.

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N@rco$i$ you may remember me I posted some weeks back about my trip to Florida.
Well I have sorted my dates out and will be in the Tampa area from the tuesday the 2nd of may till monday the 8th .
Booked onto tooth dive with Florida west scuba on the saturday 6th.
I know its a way off yet and as I am not sure how you guys work your dive days out
thought it best to let you all know what my plans were.
Would really like to meet up with you and some of the other guys from the Tampa area divers be it in or out of the water.

Narcosis - u want to plan this as a trip. We could shore dive Venice. Or do a boat dive at Veterans Reeg- I don't know where Frogmans boat is but maybe we could all get together on those. Just some thoughts.
I'm good for Venice on the 7th. I'd rather take my boat down and find this "Boneyard" I hear tale of. if frogman wanted to take his out as well, we could do a redneck yacht club at the Boneyard. On the other hand, Reef diving that weekend would probably be better since Duncan will have already have done Venice the day before so maybe we could give him some variety.
I am on for anything you guys want to do.As long as its legal :) Whats the "boneyard"?
you mentioned.
Out of intrest how far out are the tanks you guys did a while back does one need a boat to dive them.
All I will need to hire will be cylinders and some lead ,other than that I am good to go.
I'm good for Venice on the 7th. I'd rather take my boat down and find this "Boneyard" I hear tale of. if frogman wanted to take his out as well, we could do a redneck yacht club at the Boneyard. On the other hand, Reef diving that weekend would probably be better since Duncan will have already have done Venice the day before so maybe we could give him some variety.

Reef, I'm up for anything Reef. I will let you guys decide Reef

Duncan, I have plenty of soft weight. Who are you doing Venice with? M16's aren't far. Veterans reef is better.
Reef, M16's aren't far.

When did the Military start sinking automatic rifles ??:D

Out of intrest how far out are the tanks you guys did a while back does one need a boat to dive them.

12 miles o/s, just a little farther than I like to swim these days.
Missdirected Duncan:
I am booked with Florida west scuba saturday 6th,was recomended them by a fellow scubaboarder.
Was considering Bradenton as a base for the friday till monday,prior to the 5th am at my uncles in Maderia.
All this talk of my trip is getting me a little excited :) :) :)
Just as well I am diving here tuesday.
Reef, I'm up for anything Reef. I will let you guys decide Reef

Duncan, I have plenty of soft weight. Who are you doing Venice with? M16's aren't far. Veterans reef is better.

Correct me if I'm wrong N@rco$i$ but isn't that the second time she said M16 instead of M60?

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