Talc vs KY

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South Shore, MA
# of dives
200 - 499
Which is best for latex seals? I've been using talc for a while, but it seems alot of people really like KY.

There is a product avalible in the UK from Puffin diving


Its called Barrex, Its a barrier cream in the form of a mousse, looks like shaving foam out of a aerosol, little squirt of this lovely stuff in you seals and they slide on sooooooooooo easy :wink:

Unlike silicone based products it does not damage anything, silicone based lubes can make neoprene unglueable, making repairs difficult if not impossible and I have been told, although I find It hard to belive, that talc can jam inflator valves :06:

Puffin are a great lot, they will probably export to you!!!!
I used to use talc and switched to KY a few years ago. The talc works well but on a nice hot summer day out on the water I found the sweat turning the talc to mud - and adobe doesn't make a very good lubricant. KY works even when wet, is easy to apply, washes off easily and you have the added fun of giving the pharmacist the shakes when you start buying the stuff by the convenient twelve-pack.
I vastly prefer KY. It's cleaner, it's completely water soluble, and it's easy to throw in a dive kit or toolbox. It's available anywhere, and works great when wet - which talc doesn't. It's not silicon based or anything so it won't damage your seals. And Reefraff is right - nothing like going to your local drugstore to pick up the XL size of KY - especially when you're sporting wet hair and a set of drysuit underwear!
What exactly is the best way to apply KY to your drysuit seals(I'm not trying to be crude)? I've just purchased a drysuit and I wouldn't mind using something more effective than talc.
I dont understand why any lube is needed, neither talc nor KY. It seems like just a lot of dust or goo for nothing.
I dont understand why any lube is needed, neither talc nor KY. It seems like just a lot of dust or goo for nothing.

For no other reason than to upset you, IB. :) I can get away without either, but prefer KY since it makes getting back into the cuffs for a second dive easier. I don't bother with the neck seal.

I just spread some on my finger and wipe it around the inside of the seals. You don't need, as IB seems to think, "a lot of goo." Just a thin layer to make spreading it over your fingers and wrist easier.
Well, some of us don't have tiny hands like some people around here :e18:

I dont understand why any lube is needed, neither talc nor KY. It seems like just a lot of dust or goo for nothing.
To be honest I;ve never had a problem getting in and out of a latex seal that was properly trimmed without the use of either lube or talc. First dive, second dive, or tenth dive.

That's including the fact that I went with the military grade seals on my latest suit.
The whole 'sticky seals' dilemna is a funny one. Sometimes I can get them on and off no problem, but othertimes, especially when they're wet, they stick... especially when I'm trying to pull them off. I haven't figured out a pattern as to why yet.

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