T2T forum entrance requirements change

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AN/DP is ok with me. Intro is ok with me too.

Visible to anyone, not a good idea. They read, get no follow-up and we get even more yaahoos in the Advanced or "Technical" forums who regurgitate what they've seen here trying to look like BMOC. Then Netdoc chimes in with his usual scuba police diatribe when the real people who need smacking are the posers who don't actually tech dive just read about it on TDS and fancy themselves experts.

I'm not adverse to discussing projects I have several actually. Guess it never dawned on me to introduce them.
AN/DP is fine. I don't think Intro to Cave or any of the Cave I levels should be included. I have mixed thoughts about Apprentice. I use Apprentice more as a provisional cert than a class in itself and in that case think they should be allowed in. But for those that are using it as a stand alone class where the additional training hasn't been taught, probably shouldn't be here. I don't think people need to be learning new information here.

I also vote to keep it invisible.
I guess I don't understand why Intro wouldn't be appropriate. At that level, people have HAD overhead training, so they shouldn't be asking utterly stupid questions . . . but that's the level where they DO have questions that have come up from their diving or the people they're diving with.

I thought the original intent of the forum was simply to restrict it to people with actual technical training, as opposed to those who attempt to pose that way, or to OW divers who don't even know enough to frame a good question.
Because, the way I understand it, this is supposed to be a forum where we can feel free to discuss diving related issues without worrying about those who aren't trained to that level taking from that information and trying to do those dives. While I would feel comfortable posting about jumps and circuits here now, if we have intro divers back here, I'll hold back on what I post related to cave diving.
Because, the way I understand it, this is supposed to be a forum where we can feel free to discuss diving related issues without worrying about those who aren't trained to that level taking from that information and trying to do those dives. While I would feel comfortable posting about jumps and circuits here now, if we have intro divers back here, I'll hold back on what I post related to cave diving.

I think this same reason would apply to AN/DP as well. Too many new Tech divers try to move too fast because what they read on the internet sounds so easy.

I know there is very little activity on this forum but thats what I expected. Divers with higher level certs and experience don't have too many questions, but when they do, it leads to a much better discussion with little to no garbage. I think lowering the entry requirements is going to increase discussion, but also lower the quality, potentially turning this into just another forum.
Regarding making the posts in the forum visible: Since it was brought up, I'm willing to discuss it, because I ultimately all of us should shape the direction of this forum. However, I'm not inclined to do that unless we have an overwhelming majority who vote for it. The trend doesn't seem to be going that way, so I doubt this will be an issue.

Because, the way I understand it, this is supposed to be a forum where we can feel free to discuss diving related issues without worrying about those who aren't trained to that level taking from that information and trying to do those dives.
That is exactly the reason.

I think this same reason would apply to AN/DP as well. Too many new Tech divers try to move too fast because what they read on the internet sounds so easy.

I know there is very little activity on this forum but thats what I expected. Divers with higher level certs and experience don't have too many questions, but when they do, it leads to a much better discussion with little to no garbage.

The remainder of these two great posts represent the the issues well:

While I would feel comfortable posting about jumps and circuits here now, if we have intro divers back here, I'll hold back on what I post related to cave diving.
The flip side to this is

1) There are very few posts being made here now about jumps and circuits, so there's not much for an intro diver to get into trouble with.
2) There are people here that might be allowed because they have trimix training, but only a cavern cert. What's to stop them from diving Eagles Nest because they read about it here and think the biggest issue is depth?
3) We often talk about training vs. mentoring - would exposing an intro diver to techniques beyond their level automatically cause them to go out and try it, or would it cause them to seek out further training to do it safely?

I think lowering the entry requirements is going to increase discussion, but also lower the quality, potentially turning this into just another forum.
Agreed, but it's partly about finding the balance.

Full tech certs only and we don't generate many discussions.

If any diver is allowed back here then we just become another SB, TDS, CDF, or what have you. None of the forums currently (to my knowledge) vet the members in anyway, so you still get completely uneducated responses and comments on all of them. If we drop the requirements to only cavern equivalents and nitrox for T2T we'd have much of the same.

If everyone is happy with the current standard and limited discussions, I'm fine with leaving it how it is. If the consensus is to open it up just a bit, I'm good with that as well.

A third idea is to keep the current standards and recruit active divers from other venues who are tired of the background noise and would be interested in a less public arena.
Has anyone in this forum actually requested this forum to be visible?

I don't think anyone wants that - no matter what discussions aren't happening, it'll pretty much kill any consideration of generating any content that we don't want seen.
Has anyone in this forum actually requested this forum to be visible?

Frank threw the idea out. I don't see it as a request, more like a discussion point.

You might consider it like the DNY forum. Anyone can see it, and see the posts. After all, they can see TDS or TTD or RBW or CDF. Only folks with authorization may add to the conversation, and those folks would include all soft or hard overhead divers. That would go a long way in keeping it civil.

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