I just had it done 2-3 months ago and must say that, for me, it was just about painless. The first night was the worst, and it wasn't the pain, it was not being able to breathe through my nose after about 3AM. My doc uses a gel type packing and soft nose tubes so the removal of those was not bad either. As a matter of fact, the next morning after the surgery when he removed them, the sensation was one of almost pleasure. As soon as he pulled them out, it was like a breath of fresh air since I couldnt breathe through my nose after 3 that morning, and now I could breathe better than ever before.
Again, I did not suffer from any pain. My doc had even given me a prescription for Percocet and I didn't use any. I may be an exception, but don't let bad stories worry/scare you. Not only that, but the diving (only 5 weeks later) was awesome. I used to have a problem equalizing (usually taking several minutes to get past just the 15 - 20 ft mark), but my first weekend of diving after surgery (5 dives total), was completely different. I no longer had the problem that I had before the surgery...No more equalizing troubles.....