Superferry in Drydock, in Mobile

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Figures that this would show up as I am leaving Oahu.
The ferry works for Oahu people visiting outer islands for a week or more but I would prefer not to have more people sleeping in their cars on the side of the road.
The envirionmentalists keep arguing that the ferry may result in the introduction of invasive species. Maybe this is what they are really referring too. :banana:

Kind of like the battles that have been fought for years about the New Beford to Martha's Vineyard ferry. Lots of issues being put forth, but the real concern is too many low-lifes from New Bedford having easy access to Martha's Vineyard.
Now...why invasive species if it is just in the islands? I know a lot of alien algae comes in on ships/ barges from other parts of the world.

Something about holding tanks too...can't recall.
There are supposedly alien species in Honolulu's near shore waters and harbor that are not in Maui or Kauai waters yet.
Apparently there are quite a few animals and plants on Oahu that haven't made it to the neighbor islands. There really is some legitimate concern about insects, for example, hitching a ride on or inside the many cars that would be going back and forth.
We? Some of us live here, some are just visiting.
The islands are much different than the BC coastline.
Wildcard -- I'm not sure what bee is in your bonnet, but it seems some of us "visitors" are here more than you are.

What I meant was the "fast ferries" that have been used before. Different or not, we're talking about ocean depths, ocean-going vessels and major damage to shoreline. I'd say, having been to both, that the Hawaiian shoreline will feel the damage more from those ships than BC's would have.
Id say having been to both many times, the Hawaii islands are regulary hit from all sides by large waves, BCs inside waters as well as the outside are hit from only one direction.
Ive spent most of my time since 03 here, Maui. Kahoolawe, BI and Oahu plus my visits to other islands. I will be here untill 2010.
If you dont like the fast ferries here, you are free to leave ant any time. "We" for the most part want them.
Different or not, we're talking about ocean depths, ocean-going vessels and major damage to shoreline. I'd say, having been to both, that the Hawaiian shoreline will feel the damage more from those ships than BC's would have.
So let me get this straight... the wake created by the "fast ferry" (up to 12(?!?) ft according to one of your links), does more damage that the waves that cause the world class surf of Hawaii? Curious...
Apparently there are quite a few animals and plants on Oahu that haven't made it to the neighbor islands. There really is some legitimate concern about insects, for example, hitching a ride on or inside the many cars that would be going back and forth.

This is another example of enviromentalist scare tactics. Have you watched how many containers go in and out at ports throughout the Islands? Much more so than what traffic there will be with the Ferry.
SInce the Ferry will most likely become the transportation of choice of the Islanders, and not tourists persay, it should not be a big concern.
The wake/wave thing is absurd...........................

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