If the family releases it then so be it. I am powerless to stop it one way or the other. I think I would have a hard time supporting that choice. But,it will forever be on the reel right after the Kennedy assasonations. Forever reliving a moment in time that, I believe, is better left to fade away and be forgotten with the lesson learned.
Can anyone say that they heard Steve Irwin wish to have his death televised, I mean in person or is this hearsay? Could it be summarmized that in saying that "my death should be aired" was an exit stratergy to leave the show and live out his life in annominity? (I am playing devil's advocate a little too much, now) At this point I do not believe that anyone would want their demise on tv. Just because he was a celebrity does not give the public the right to every aspect of his life, or death.
For the record I think we are off the subject too. This thread should be for remembering and honoring the man and not to argue over the video.
Should we start another thread for discussing the video?