The bungees do roll and aren't ideal for this application, but they hold up well for long periods of time. These are rental stages that get loaded, unloaded, and dove by people that don't own or care about them. The flat rubber straps are great, but they cut easily when you are stacking 10 of them in a van. Putting them over the handle and pulling them off all the time is great, except they get lost and you find yourself 20 miles offshore with no rigging. There is a reason I do it this way. It is very functional and holds up well over time. Is it perfect, no, but very few things ever are.
As to them being high on the crown, look at the size of the boltsnap. We use larger snaps with dry gloves. With them being longer, you can mount them a half inch higher and the neck will hang in the same place as any other stage.