Spring and river conditions post hurricane(s)

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I just hated that bouncing off the walls thing last weekend, i was so stir crazy and dying to get wet. Sorry you couldnt make it Rick. Hopefully next weekend, but at least this weekend we can practice a little more on our skills, good luck with the house :wink:
So anyone know if Ginnie is open or not??

I tried calling but got no answer. I just got my Halcyon pioneer 27 BCD and I also have a new computer so I reeeeaaaally want to try it out. :)

I really hope it's open.
Sorry Ginnie still closed, at least to my knowledge. Simon Glad to hear that you and Becky got out today. Did you do Paradise or Blue Grotto? How did it go? The house is ready for Ivan now and all (somewhat) order has been restored. I tell you these Hurricanes are good for the economy. Be talking with you soon
Rick, tried to call you a few times today regarding the dives and next weekend (of course we wont know if any of the non-sink springs are open yet, but it is still doutful as the flooding water still hasnt reached its crest yet). We had a good dive at Devils Den, Becky ran out line, back in working on that teamwork, i did the same, but this time i was trying to find a place where we could do lost line. Becky went ahead and did it mask off although there was some trouble with tying off - but she perceviered (sp?) although didnt find the line. I just did it eyes closed and found the line (no i didnt peek). We had Chuck on hand as a bit of a safety diver as well. We then tried some mask off stuff and more air sharing, more line laying, that was about it. I think i have realised what made me freak the other week at Peacock, that cold rush of water on my face as i ripped my mask off, will have to get over that and slowly getting there! That pretty much sums up the dives, we got a good hour on the first tank, but due to closing time we didnt get much of a second dive in. The water was about 2.5-3 foot higher than last time i was there. Previously it was barely covering the bottom step/platform, this time it was only a step or so away from getting onto the central platform where the steps lead out - and the owner said it was rising still!

Thoughts on or are you free next weekend to finish this up?

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