BCS once bubbled...
as I am curious, are these fins really that bad and actually cause all the bad technique and silt stirring or is it the fact that the divers that tend to buy these things are not very good or too new to know better and have been taken in by the shop/instructor?
I have a set of TUSA Zooms. From everything I've read on the board, they shouldn't be worth a darn. But I like them. I'm getting a little older (translated lazier & softer). I swam competitively in high school and learned to do a lot of kicking without fins, so the transition was very easy. I dove with what amounts to a jet fin look alike for years till I got these. To me, they're unquestionably easier on the legs. I don't notice any problem keeping up (easily) with the people I dive with. And I've not reallly noticied alot of the other control issues expressed by so many others. They do what I need them to, and that's what matters. Haven't had them in a strong current, but wasn't an issue for me in a light/moderate one. I'm always conscious of where I am, and understand where the turbulence of my equipment is, and try to adjust my motion accordingly.
I am thinkking about getting a set of Mares Quattros's to try though. Just to see how they compare. Thought about dragging my old jets back out after reading all the comments here, but don't remember seeing them since the last itme I moved.
As to the silting, sounds more like an experience/awareness issue. Dove last year in Roatan with several people like you describe. It didn't matter what kind of fins they had. Talking with them on the ride in & out, most of them were the proverbial "vacation" divers with little or inconsistent experience.