I think split fins reduce the resistance against which you kick; it seems much easier to kick in them than in paddle fins. But by the same token, they don't take the same "bite" of the water, so it's harder to do precision maneuvering in them. You CAN frog kick and back kick and helicopter turn in splits, but it's not very efficient, and I think you pretty much have to learn the kicks in another sort of fin. At least, I can't conceive of learning to back kick in splits -- it was only because I absolutely knew the kick that I could do it in them.
Right now, if I were going to recommend a fin for a brand new diver who is not using full foot fins, I'd recommend the Deep See Pulse fins. They're cheap (currently on sale at LeisurePro for 25.99, I think) and reasonably stiff, but not as stiff or as heavy as ScubaPro Jet fins, which are what I use most of the time.