Grajan once bubbled...
I'm not sure that split v non-split is what is being measured here.
The Apollo is a VERY soft fin. I tried it and hated it but I now use the Atomic Aquatic splitfin and really like it. It's stiffness is much more comparable to my old Avantis.
My gut feeling is that if these 'tests' were conducted on fins of relatively equal stiffness the picture would be quite different.
I am not an engineer but this paper would be a mech engineer's dream paper if a diver. What is interesting is when looking at the 'energy cost of swimming' measured using oxidative metabolism (not ventilation) as a function of velocity the eight fins tested could be grouped into three groups from most economical to least. Stiffness did not seem to correlate with oxygen consumption.
From "Evaluation of fins used in underwater swimming"
Pendergast, D. et al
UHM 2003 Vol. 30, No. 1, p57-73
Stiffness (Nm2)
Apollo 1.32
Apollo taped 1.32
SP Jets 1.92
Quattro 1.95 (notice similar to Jets)
Oceanic Ocean Pro 1.95
US Diver Blades 2.45
US Divers Compro 2.72
Mares Attack 5.45
Lowest O2 consumption : Attack (stiffest), Apollo, Jets
Intermediate : Quattro, Ocean, Blades
Highest : Compro
"Interestingly, both rigid and flexible were in the most economical group"
As far as maximal aerobic speed (m/sec) the Attack and taped Apollos were 6% higher than the average and the Compro were 10% slower. The rest were around the average.
It seemed the only two factors to optimize in fin construction are kick depth (drag, high for stiffer fin) and kick frequency (less efficient for softer fin).
"In our studies, the divers invariably ranked the stiff fins as the best and the flexible as the worse, which did not correlate with the objective evaluation of these fins.,...
It is clear that the venturis, vents, trauths, splits in the tested fins did not improve the performance of the fin. Further work is needed to develop the optimization of fin characteristics, by lowering drag (kick-depth rigidity) and maximizing efficiency (kick frequency-flexibility), to minimize energy requirement and maximize performance of fins."
I am not sure what an Mares Attack looks like, but from this study if one is looking for a fin that is optimized for flutter kick and the alternative kicks one might try the taped Apollos or the Jets.
As far as what fins might be best for the alternative kicks it would seem that a shorter blade would be best with moderate stiffness. The Apollo is .33 m and the Jets .30 m. The Mares Attack have a length of .62 m!The Atomic splits from what I can remember are quite long.
I think UP needs to take out his Jets and compare them against the taped Apollos. I imagine the Atomics would be no better than the Apollos with regards to flutter efficiency but would be less than ideal with the alternative kicks due to their blade length.