Anyone interested in help/facts in spearfishing in the northeast should go to - The World's Largest Spearfishing Diving Boating Social Media Forum - Powered by vBulletin and look in the Northeast section.
To answer some questions -
Yes, spearfishing in Massachusetts is very legal - and fun!! Scuba 65 - can you elaborate at all what happened, fines and threats of jail?
Yes, you still have to have a saltwater fishing permit and have to follow the same regulations as the rod and reel fishermen.
You cannot land in mass with a striper with a hole in it - rules say rod and reel only!
You may have got the bass in NH and that's legal - but how is anyone to know that you did if you are in Mass waters?
You're best bet is to put in/out in NH. I heard spearing is good up there right now. Go get 'em!!
To answer some questions -
Yes, spearfishing in Massachusetts is very legal - and fun!! Scuba 65 - can you elaborate at all what happened, fines and threats of jail?
Yes, you still have to have a saltwater fishing permit and have to follow the same regulations as the rod and reel fishermen.
You cannot land in mass with a striper with a hole in it - rules say rod and reel only!
You may have got the bass in NH and that's legal - but how is anyone to know that you did if you are in Mass waters?
You're best bet is to put in/out in NH. I heard spearing is good up there right now. Go get 'em!!