Yes, the chance to swim/dive with whalesharks makes this trip worthwhile. But I can also understand the concerns re: costs. As weak as the dollar is nowadays, it can still buy a lot of stuff when converted to pesos. Hope to see a lot of PPDers over there for some dives. Oh, I'll make sure to bring lots of ear plugs for the rest of you all. Subzero and I might just hold a snoring contest while there.

clgsamson:that's true...but think of the cost of this trip to our foreign pasaway friends and still they're coming over. Reading this email from Peter all over again makes me forget about the cost of the trip though -
a repost -
Hi Carlos
I think you will have a good chance to dive with them (whalesharks). Over the Xmas and new year period we made 4 trips to where they have been hanging around and on 3 occasions we were able to dive on Scuba with them and on the other some were able to have a short snorkel with them. Anyway we will do our best to give you an all round memorable experience. The whalesharks tend to make people forget what other diversity we have here.
For example you guys should not miss our night dives, particularly our Jetty dive at Padre Burgos which is probably one of the best muck dives you will ever do. Frog fish , sea horses , crabs and many others(Great Macro photographers dive).