SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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Well, not only will I be bringing dates for everyone, but I will be giving EVERYONE a Kiss!!!

Dates and Kisses, hmmmm, if any of you are on the fence about coming to the party, now you KNOW you have to show up for your date and your Kiss!
(please take this in the spirit it's intended) So, we can think of you as the party "madam", supplying dates and kisses? :wink:
Spirits? You mean, RUM????!!!! :D

Just don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. :shocked2:

A Kiss and a date for everyone!!! For real!!! Whether you come with a spouse, a significant other, or all alone, you will not go home without a date and a Kiss. Unless you choose to.

And this is NOT what I have in store for you.

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Is it too late to RSVP to the party?
Is it too late to RSVP to the party?
No it is not too late!

I don't see anyone down for bottled water, maybe you want to bring some of that? We will need that to wash down the dates and Kisses! :blinking:
I can bring whatever you need. Any preference on what brand of water? Anything else I can bring?
Whatever brand of water is on sale, hee!!!
Walgreens has 24 pk 16.9 oz on sale for $2.69 I think.
Ok.. Here goes again...
Jenny - Carmel corn (yes, there will be popcorn! ), Christmas cookies
DebbyDiver - Brain Bleach Shooters aka Pina Colada Mix, hummus and pita bread, and dates for everyone!
Deepstops - Anejo rum & Mexican bean dip & chips (to go with Pygar's tequila )
Jupitermermaid - chocolate covered pringles
pygar - Tequila
crd kats - artichoke dip, wine
LTW123 - RUM!!!
Divergirl4U - Some nice Wine red and white
Speargirl - chicken wings, mild and hot, soda, smoked fish dip and party supplies
LowVizWiz - Sodas, ice and wife's zucchini bread
Netmage - nuthin', ain't coming, gonna miss him
Showboat - Skyy Vodka
tasdiver1 - White Wine and Shrimp Platters
DennisS - potstickers
NetDoc - Pete needs a date!! Despite this being the list of stuff to bring, just for Pete we have a list of wants!
MB - ??????
tcarpjr - some shrimp and sauce
Scubaken1970 - Fruit tray,Wine and Ice
videodude - either vegetarian pasta or a veggie tray
tltracy - Christmas fudge goodies or something like that
Mr. Lee - ??????
BethO - Cheese platter and wine
poety - Beer
ektess1 - ??????
tcjmiami - Christmas mincemeat pies, salsa chips and beer
kbeck and cooltech - homemade salsa, storebought chips
Scubakevdm Jumbo Wieners, steamy buns and associated sauces
Rougewarrier2- RUM!
Waterbearer- No telling! :D

Please remember that there will be alot of cars.. with that in mind..
Accross the street, at the beige house
One house South of me, beige house
and the rest along the road.
DO NOT PARK at the house on the corner where the stop sign is -73 Way and Cleveland. I have bee forewarned the lady will have your car towed.

Bring a glass for your drinks. This will cut down on the amount of garbage, and if you forget your glass, I will have a very nice collection.. so bring a crystal glass ok? :D :D :D

$10 max wrapped gift if you want to be included in the gift exchange.

That's it for now.. I think...

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