SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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Ack. Imagine, if you will:
Beautiful, custom built 4600+ sq. ft. house. Mom says, EVERYONE come visit. (Ahem, she is one of 9 Southern Baptist west virginians, dad is one of 7 Irish Catholic NY'ers.). So far, tab is 18 and counting. Among 4 extra bedrooms. Oh....and did I sister and her boyfriend [who just so happens to be MY COWORKER] will be there, and as we are the "kids" (eg, unmarried with no children of our very own), we will likely be relegated to the "big basement rec room" together.

Oh fun. Oh joy. Oh, rent a hotel room......oh, listen to mom, dad, and 5 aunts scream at me for being an unappreciative daughter....and, oh, by the way, "can't you get your sister a job at your work too?" (Since she's apparently penniless???)

Yes, I need to drink heavily at this party Sunday, then somehow magically recover quickly for the week of work I need to squeeze in--BEFORE heading to the best week of my life. :D :D :D
then remember the train wreck... if this goes on...................................................................... :depressed:
Dang Debby, you're speedy!!! Want a job at my work?
Does your company actually still have vacancies in upper-level administration or executive management? I thought most places were downsizing. I'm probably safer staying put in any case.

I'll let you do your own copying/pasting, I only added yours because I was updating my own at the same time. :blinking:

I'll have a drink with you before you head home for your family visit. If I were you I'd skip it and go on a cruise instead. At least that's what I have done in the past to avoid family gatherings! :eyebrow:
"I've considered the option but hey, I have to subject Jim to the enjoyment at least once....then, he will always therefore see me as the "least difficult" one in the family, and be so glad...... :) I have SOME feminine wiles in here....few and far between they may be....

However, back to, I making salsa, bringing 5 cases of wine for me and 5 bottles of rum for Jim/Jenny......the entertainment being in who beats who up for the last bits... :D :D

Really, looking forward for some time together.... K
Seriously, Star Clippers always has great deals...I've been on it at the holidaze myself...just sayin'... :eyebrow:
Oh, there was the other thing... I really need to play around of golf... in NC, over Christmas with her Father (retired CIA big man...)... I have been informed...

Should I think about naming my next of kin... ?
Sorry, I didn't realize this was a do it yourself list.

Jenny - Carmel corn (yes, there will be popcorn! ), Christmas cookies
DebbyDiver - Brain Bleach Shooters aka Pina Colada Mix, hummus and pita bread, and dates for everyone!
Deepstops - Anejo rum & Mexican bean dip & chips (to go with Pygar's tequila )
Jupitermermaid - chocolate covered pringles
pygar - Tequila
crd kts - artichoke dip, RUM!
Divergirl4U - Some nice Wine red and white
Speargirl - chicken wings, mild and hot, soda, smoked fish dip and party supplies
LowVizWiz - Sodas, ice and wife's zucchini bread
Netmage - nuthin', ain't coming, gonna miss him
Showboat - Skyy Vodka
tasdiver1 - White Wine and Shrimp Platters
DennisS - potstickers
NetDoc - Pete needs a date!! Despite this being the list of stuff to bring, just for Pete we have a list of wants!
MB - ??????
tcarpjr - ??????
Scubaken1970 - Fruit tray,Wine and Ice
videodude - either vegetarian pasta or a veggie tray
tltracy - Christmas fudge goodies or something like that
Mr. Lee - ??????
BethO - Cheese platter and wine
poety - Beer
ektess1 - ??????
tcjmiami - Christmas mincemeat pies, salsa chips and beer
kbeck and cooltech - homemade salsa, storebought chips
Scubakevdm Jumbo Wieners, steamy buns and associated sauces.

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