Son of the Blue Heron Twilight Dive...

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Oh yeah and when we got back Scubaguy survived babysitting three girls 14, 9, and last but not least, Victoria the GREAT! You see hunny you could do it!
Hey baby, it's all good...I just delegated. Alexis was the champ; the credit is hers.

I'm glad the dive was fun....then again, you were diving with Jenny and anytime she gets in the water, even if it's just her ankles, "it was an awsome dive!!!"
Hey guys. I'm sorry my wife and I could not make it. Maybe next time.

Grier, Don't let my wife feed you too much B.S.
I'm always up for a good dose of B.S., old buddy. Gotta take it if you dish it out, eh?

See you guys soon,
Glad I decided to venture north thro some wicked thunderstoms to dive with ya'll. Awesome dive! Really! We saw loads and loads of urchins, some dead ones that now are dust collectors. :D. Kev, thanks for leading the dive, I would never of ventured over there myself. For a while I was wondering if you were lost, but the end of the trail was wonderful! So many sleeping parrotfish and gray angels. And don't forget all the octopi. That little one in the bottle (beginning of dive) was really curious and if I stayed longer, it probably would of crawled all the way out. The pokadotted bat fish-neat. I didn't see any seahorses, from what I understand they are at the other end and we were west. Can't wait to do it again!
Good meeting the other 3 divers, but their names escape me right now (sorry). Oh and a huge Thank You to Hermit Crab for watching after Rick! LOL. She had a great time and wants to visit again. Seriously tho Rick, thanks for watching Hermit Crab. I really appreciate it!
Grier, He dishes out more than I can shovel..... Glad to hear everyone had a good dive *sniffle* I'll be out there tomorrow with a class, seeing how high tide is at 850am I'd say by 9am there should be about 5 feet of viz left (all the different LDS students out there kicking around) but I'll be looking for a seahorse..... I just want to see at least one in my life I'll be there also on Monday 1011am for high tide with MDColson (newbie SB'er) if anyone wants to come down/up....
Hey! That was fun. Sorry about the boring swim out there... I was worried about the tide and us being a bit behind schedule so I kinda made a bee-line to the cool stuff. Normally we would have gone out the same way we came back. I had fun too. Some of the cool stuff that I saw:
Octopae (none playful)
Cushion Stars
Huge mantis shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Banded coral shrimp
Shrimp shrimp
Sharp-tailed eel
Spotted moray eel
Some small yellow kind of eel that I have to look up still
A long bristled Eunice (gross)
Short-nosed batfish
I continued to look for pygmy sea horses and striated frogfish, without luck. Hillary wasn't so big on the night dive... we'll take her back during the day.
Hey! That was fun. Sorry about the boring swim out there... I was worried about the tide and us being a bit behind schedule so I kinda made a bee-line to the cool stuff. Normally we would have gone out the same way we came back. I had fun too. Some of the cool stuff that I saw:
Octopae (none playful)
Cushion Stars
Huge mantis shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Banded coral shrimp
Shrimp shrimp
Sharp-tailed eel
Spotted moray eel
Some small yellow kind of eel that I have to look up still
A long bristled Eunice (gross)
Short-nosed batfish
I continued to look for pygmy sea horses and striated frogfish, without luck. Hillary wasn't so big on the night dive... we'll take her back during the day.

I want to see that frogfish!!!!
You mean to tell me you didn't see that BIG-O, BIG-O fish or that Ugly, Ugly fish!

Jenny! What was that 1/2 army helmet looking thing with a long tail down there? trying to eat my fins! (I got my own fish ID class going on here)

Now class repeat after me! Big-O, Big-O Fish/ Ugly, Ugly-fish.....

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