Some Musings on Etiquette (Hey what's that) When in Cozumel and Other "Stuff"

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Certainly a reasonable question. Personally, I think that prohibition is on a downhill slide to legalization, right or wrong. I would bet though, you might find people who would agree that smoking should be banned, yet pot legalized. It is interesting that is seems to be two different directions at once. Moving to legalize marihuana which shares all the dangerous chemicals in the smoke plus more before we even consider its 'effect' yet we are going the other way on tobacco.
Two things about MJ smoking vs. tobacco: MJ smoke does not have all the dangerous chemicals that tobacco does - no nicotine. Also, if one smoked as much MJ as most smokers smoke tobacco, he would be incapacitated. I don't think that even Rastafarians can smoke the equivalent weight in MJ of 20-40 cigarettes a day.

But I wouldn't be in favor of a prohibition of tobacco; alcohol prohibition and the War On Drugs have clearly shown that worse than being ineffective, such laws have worse side effects than the substances they are in opposition to in the form of violence, organized crime involvement, black markets, shadow economies, etc. But I don't look for the legalization of marijuana any time soon; it's too rewarding of a political football for our leaders to let go of. It is IMO hypocritical of our government to interdict against MJ growers and at the same time to subsidize the growing of tobacco, especially since tobacco use has killed far more people than all the illegal drugs combined.
Rastafarians are wussies.
I am going to add to the anti smoking tone this thread has taken. On a small 6 pack dive boat(or on any dive boat for that matter), not much could be ruder and more selfish than lighting up a cigarette. They stink and I hate being forced to breath in in 2nd hand smoke. The stench stays far longer than the the time the person is actually smoking. Baggies for the butts don't cut it. Cigars smell is far more offensive. One of the few nice things about living in the New York is that smoking is not allowed at restaurants or bars. I would never expect Mexico to follow that trend but hope that when out at a restaurant or bar, smokers have enough respect and restraint to not smoke until they have their own private space to contaminate.
Not a fan of brussels sprouts either. My mother told me while forcing me to eat them when I was a kid, that they would not kill me. Still avoid them at all costs but Mom was right.

They already 2008

Mexico to ban smoking in eateries, public spaces | Reuters
But think how much happier the smokers are. If they weren't allowed to smoke, the restaurants would be filled with negative energy and everyone would have a bad time.
That is great news, I did not know about the ban on indoor smoking. Most dining in Cozumel is outdoors and it seems smoking is allowed. Outdoor dining is still confined with close seating and having smokers in the area has an effect on the quality of the experience.

What about those eight loud people swilling the margaritas affecting the quality of the experience? Wait.... scratch that.... they were us.....

Am finally reading the last 5 pages of this thread. What are you guys smoking? hahaha
Some really funny comments.
I am in Cozumel now and making sure I do my part to stimulate the economy.
I took the day off from diving today knowing that Saturday out with the ladies = sleep in late on Sunday.
Money Bar, Wet Wendys, Senior Frogs (i never go there but was dragged and then Tiki Tok. Danced until my feet were screaming.
Is it loud in here today? Shhhhh.

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