MikeFerrara:I had several concerns about it.
Not at all. I've posted on a fairly wide range of threads in this forum. In this case I rebuted an article that sent my BS meter right off the scale. As I said before, I think the article itself as well as the authors web page is a troll.
That depends on the issues I suppose.
How did I bait any one? I rebuted specific points in a specific article which some one else posted. Who's baiting who? Some of those points were directly related to the nature and topograpgy of specific caves which I've seen with my own eyes while some other readers may not have. I also explained gas management for circuits and traverses and each divers navigational responsibility with regard to lines in a caves. I did so because the author and other posters made statements that I thought might be misleading to some one who wasn't cave trained. Beyopnd that, as far as I know one can disagree with me in any forum on the board.
Who did I try to silence. I certainly haven't ever tried to stop anyone from disagreeing with me in this forum or any other. Sometimes I get the impression that others are trying to silence me though.
I don't think the "forum" itself can corupt any one's judgement. Giving articles like this a one sided venue where they can't be argued doesn't seem to serve any purpose though unless the reason for the forums existance is to promote solo diving. One sided media can certainly misinform. The funny thing is that as of yet no one has voiced any disagreement with my statements regarding vortex, little river, gas management or line useage. They only seem bothered that I questioned the accuracy and validity of the article. Are we selling something here? I guess as long as I have posting privilages here I'll continue to say so when I disagree. With that I'll leave you with your own advice and that is if you silence every one who disagrees with you then you may find yourself with limited conversations.
This forum is for divers whose concerns are with making solo diving safer, exchanging ideas and experiences on and about solo diving and doing so without someone trying to call them a . . .a prevaricator . That is basically what you said wasn't it. Even if you thought that, it isn't conducive to having a rational discussion on solo vs buddy diving to say it.
So, here is my take solo on diving and why I choose to do it.
I do it about 25% of the time I dive. If everything isn't just peachy, with the wind blowing from the favored direction and the tea leaves promising a successful venture, I don't dive. I don't dive deep (mostly under 40') and I don't do repetitive dives. I don't go into or under anything. I don't run my tanks below 750 psi on resurfacing.
In short, I am very, very careful. Much more so than when I dive with a dive boat. I know that should not be true, but it is for me, and I'll bet it is for many other people.
So, why dive solo? Because I like it. When I dive with a buddy, most of the time I 'feel' responsible for our safety because I (usually) have more experience. One other point, Buddies I have met at the LDS often got their c-card on a Coz vacation, and with out sounding like the pro from Dover, they don't know jack and can't spell it either. They are an accident waiting to happen and an arm-chair Cousteau.
I find myself swimming slightly above and behind my 'buddy' which means I'm not really watching the view. My mind is constantly going over what could go wrong, and how could he or she could get into trouble, how much air do they have, when should we turn the dive? So my enjoyment level is less with a buddy than when I only have me to worry about. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if I could never dive solo again, I might well stop diving.
Once upon a time, a dive friend of mine who was an instructor, talked me into diving with a couple of certifying OW students. He had just completed their OW checkout dives and wanted me to buddy one of the guys on a 2-day trip in Destin on the Argonaut. We dove to 80' on an inverted radar dish (vintage WWII) to shoot trigger fish. I was looking in the hole where a panel had been removed and turned back to my waiting buddy to find the point of his 3 - band 50 something inch gun aimed at my mask at about 6" and with his safety OFF. This doesn't build confidence in ones buddy.
I truly feel more safe by myself than with many people I've had as a buddy. Now, when diving deeper than 40', yeah, I'll take a less experienced buddy provided I have some faith in their judgement, but I won't relax even a little bit.
I do have some very good dive buddies and look forward to our dives. But it's hard to put them together very often, so . . . I dive solo or worry.