Greetings to all:
I first stumbled on the SB site about 6 months ago, when researching the pro's and con's of solo diving. It was interesting how strong the opinions were. Doesn't seem to be to many in the middle ground. I just decided to join today, so I could access this forum. (Careful what you wish for)
I have only been diving for a year, but took and exceptional liking to it, and the peacefulness of it all. I have advanced pretty fast through training, practice and fun dives. Although I do dive with my wife, and dive buddies, I enjoy the peacefulness of diving alone. No need to worry about others, etc.
I do not condone flaunting or encouraging solo diving with new, or untrained and unprepared divers. I find area where there are no other divers (increasing my risks in an effort to keep from encouraging others). Similarly Tec Diving beyond 130 ft is not taught to new divers or those not willing or ready either.
That is not to say, I disregard safety. I too have dive buddies that have endangered me during the learning process, before I learned to be responsible for myself and not "trust" others to be responsible for me. However, let's face an entanglement hazard, deco requirement, etc. when (at the same time) an unexpected problem occurs (say a catastrophic valve or manifold failure) when you then find yourself low on air, or a physical problem developes beyond your control, it is obviously nice to have a buddy handy.
I have read the numerous threads and arguments that state buddies make diving more dangerous, and the ones that say buddies are the only way to go. I have read the many requests for "permission" from the dive community from would be solo divers. I think most agree there is a little truth to each side depending on circumstances and people. Bottom is an individuals choice as is regular diving, and should be respected just the same.
I value the stories, whether I agree to them or not. I read numerous books on tech diving, wreck diving, accident logs and stories, DAN reports, etc. so I can learn from others mistakes. Although I too disagree with the philosophy of no buddy being better than having one, I also agree that not diving is safer than diving. I choose to dive and accept the risks and I choose to dive solo accepting the further risks as well. I am however responsible and am trying to obtain the maximum amount of education and experience through others that I can to learn from mistakes that others may have paid the ultimate price by.
Because of that, I appreciate the posts from the originator of this thread even if I too do not agree with his philosophy that you should dive solo to be safer, because I can learn from some of the stories regardless of whether I "buy" the whole thing.
It is a shame these threads degrade to what they do, because people do not like others opinions.
As a new member, I hope to find some more positive information on the subject as this forum was likely originally intended to be as such.
Any direction to more (preferably positive) forums or threads on Solo Diving, would be greatly appreciated. I have done some preliminary searches, but am not yet completely familiar with the site.
PS. What ever happend to the beer drinking, solo diving bear with the big tits?