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Overall, my take is that the article could be an example of what's called a False Dilemma argument.
The False Dilemma would be the concept that either "Diving with a buddy is always safer" or "Diving solo is always safer".
The Bad Buddy examples would show that "Diving with a buddy is always safer" is False, which then leads to the False Dilemma, of saying that "Diving solo is safer" must be True.
Unfortunately, it's not a binary case to start off with, and the dilemma is there -- it's leaping to a conclusion, that B must be true since A is False, while A and B do not encompass the spectrum of possibilities.
I'm new, have done a few solos, gear check kinds of things in areas I have dove multiple times, open water, redundant air, shallow, others in the vicinity,... I freely admit limited experience, but I would believe that overall:
A good buddy pair = safest
A good, knowledgeable, solo diver, within limits = next
A bad buddy pair = next
A bad solo = worst
(the last two can be neck-and-neck, but you would really need a CF buddy to get you in trouble as fast, as seriously, as being a CF solo)
Two trained people, in sync, do get you to two heads available to solve a problem. One well trained, fully responsible, person, properly geared, should by definition be diving within his/her limits, and have appropriate redundancy and signal gear to cover most whoopses (though in an entrapment that buddy brings the extra hands that a solo never has). A bad buddy at least gives me someone to shove towards the hungry Great White, and there's at least a chance of one of the team making it out, simplifying recovery (I didn't say rescue). A bad solo is a statistic in the making.
So, while I absolutely appreciate the concept of solo diving, think it's great, believe in doing it, it's inherently an activity of personal responsibility, knowingly assuming risk that would not occur with a good buddy. Saying "I know the risks, believe in my gear and training, choose to do it" is the only explanation required for solo diving. Saying "Bad buddies may cause major SNAFUs" is simply a separate topic.
It's like hiking, though more extreme in likely consequences. I regularly solo hike, including pretty far out in the middle of nowhere. I also do group hikes, treks around the world and extended backpacking. There are times when the when/where/what of a trip means I'll do it solo, beacuse I choose to do so, but I don't say I go solo because a bad hiking buddy can cause problems.