Nemrod:Mie, I am not going to argue with you the relative safety of solo diving vs "team" diving whatever the heck that may be.
I didn't attempt to make any such arguement. What I did was dispute the arguement and the facts used in the article. Not the same thing.
This is the solo forum for discussing ideas in advancement of solo diving, not callling it stupid, dangerous, or arguing with the people who chooose to explore it etc.
I didn't call it stupid or dangerous. I do say that all the articles I've read that try to justify solo diving by using the "dangerous buddy" arguement stupid though. This one is definately one of the worst.
Your original post was a troll and this is a no troll area. If you don't dive solo and think it is dangerous why are you here? My last on this.
Again, my original post was to point out what appear to be GROSS inaccuracies in the posted article. I say appear because...who knows...the description could just be unclear and...some caves even change. However I've been in and out of vortex more times than any person should even have to do that dive and can't picture a place where the supposed event could happen. So, forgetting the point the author is trying to make, I find it hard to believe that the story he uses to make the point even happened the way it's presented.
I've also been in and out of Little River some and I don't believe that any one could get confused about which way is which at the top of the chimney. Again, forget the auothors point...the story itself sounds like BS.
How is that a troll? I think the article is a troll though. After checking out the guys web page (the diving part anyway), I think his whole site is a troll designed specifically to causs a fuss.
And again, who said that I think solo diving is "too dangerous" to do or that I don't or haven't? I sure didn't. Try to read what I wrote before calling me a troll because you seem to have missed every point that I tried to make. Maybe the fault is in my writting. Read Ricks post. He said it better and way shorter.
Safety is way over rated, live dangerous, die free. N[/QUOTE]