Solo diving comfort and # siblings poll

I dive solo by choice, and have # siblings

  • I am an only child

    Votes: 10 10.5%
  • I have 1 sibling

    Votes: 30 31.6%
  • I have 2 siblings

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • I have 3 or more siblings

    Votes: 27 28.4%

  • Total voters

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Guy Alcala

Reaction score
SF Bay Area
# of dives
200 - 499
Sometime back there was a thread wherein everyone who solo dove by choice, myself included, stated that our SAC rates were lower when diving solo (at least at sites we were very familiar with), and that we were in general more relaxed and often enjoyed the dive more. Discussing this issue in a different forum has got me wondering what if any differences there might be between those of us who chose to dive solo, and those who feel uncomfortable doing so. I'm an only child, and have always been happy to do things by myself when no one else was available, and often prefer solo. I wondered if there was any correlation between number of siblings and willingness to do things solo, so here's a poll.

...and I married an only child, and we both dive solo, even when we're together.
One sibling, but was left alone a lot.
I think you need to do a poll on ugly people. It is my expereince that ugly people get used to doing a lot of things by themselves. (I dive solo a lot).:D:D
I've always been a loner (with a few exceptions, like Mrs Devilkitty), much to my mother's chagrin; even in crowds. My brother was the social one. More social than I was, at least.
My wife also cave dives (where I do most of my solo dives). I still do dives that I prefer to be alone on.
I have 4 siblings (none currently dive). My wife and 3 kids dive.

Interesting poll.... I guess like what dumpsterDiver said above, since I'm not an only child, it must be the ugly thing that makes me solo :D

Seriously, I just find it relaxing to sometimes go solo. But I really enjoy buddy dives as well.... I guess I'm just "conflicted" about what I really enjoy the most (and ugly :wink: ).

Best wishes.
I'll third the ugly, my sisters got all the genes for Good Looking.

Three younger siblings, all female, which may have forced me to get away from them more often! Seriously, we got along fine.

I started solo diving because (1) there weren't buddies available where I lived in the early 60s and (2) if buddies were available, we only had one set of gear to use so we traded off using it!

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