An H-valve provides excellent redundancy with simplicity and minimal gear and thus minimal diver stress due to gear handling in an emergency.
I counted up the number of O-rings that need to be maintained on two different regulators I would put on two tanks (eithe H-valve or independent doubles). That count was 18 different O-rings. Each O-ring is a weak point in the system; they need to be maintained to work.
If you will compare this diving rig with the original Cousteau triple tank rig, you will see that Cousteau's divers dove with no O-rings. Their entire scuba had six moving parts (excluding valves, which added about three each). They dove a system that kept the entire contents of one of the cylinders as their reserve (activated by a hand valve at the bottom of the scuba).
Cousteau's original system kept diving equipment simple. The independent doubles and H-valve are not simple devices, and complicate the diving, need much more maintenance, and more practice to ensure you know where everything is.