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I have a set of doubles. I have an AL80 for a stage bottle. Although I rarely solo, when I do my tank of choice is my single HP130 with dual 1st and 2nd stage regs. For muscle memory I leave all my gear as I would for any other open water dive with buddies. Like Nemrod I feel I could safely blow and go from 60ft so that is my hard bottom. Always on Nitrox, and I do bring a buddy to tow me out and back scooter. Funny as it may seem, I view my scooter as a safety device. So thoughts on the H valves?
What are the thoughts on using an H valve setup with dual regs? (Yes I can reach both valves.)2. One of the following must be used as a redundant air source:
Pony Bottle, Twin Cylinders with isolation, Independent doubles, Spare Air
I have a set of doubles. I have an AL80 for a stage bottle. Although I rarely solo, when I do my tank of choice is my single HP130 with dual 1st and 2nd stage regs. For muscle memory I leave all my gear as I would for any other open water dive with buddies. Like Nemrod I feel I could safely blow and go from 60ft so that is my hard bottom. Always on Nitrox, and I do bring a buddy to tow me out and back scooter. Funny as it may seem, I view my scooter as a safety device. So thoughts on the H valves?