La Jolla Shores
Date 8/30/14
Surf at Entry: 1-3ft
Light to Moderate surge at shallower depths, once past about 30ft surge nonexistent
Visibility: 10-15ft
Surface Water Temp:68
Temp at Depth: 61
Just a checkout dive for us before the dive boat this weekend. We kicked out from kellog tell about even with the end of scripps pier, took an east heading then explored to the north along the canyon, before turning SE back towards our entry area. We were able to see 2 large sheep crab, a large school of sardines, painted greenling, tube dwelling anemone, and one larger fish that I am still trying to figure out what he is (thinking a bass of some sort but unsure).
Edit: photo of my mystery fish (I am hoping to take the REEF fish course out here soon, as the invertebrates course was great)
Date 8/30/14
Surf at Entry: 1-3ft
Light to Moderate surge at shallower depths, once past about 30ft surge nonexistent
Visibility: 10-15ft
Surface Water Temp:68
Temp at Depth: 61
Just a checkout dive for us before the dive boat this weekend. We kicked out from kellog tell about even with the end of scripps pier, took an east heading then explored to the north along the canyon, before turning SE back towards our entry area. We were able to see 2 large sheep crab, a large school of sardines, painted greenling, tube dwelling anemone, and one larger fish that I am still trying to figure out what he is (thinking a bass of some sort but unsure).
Edit: photo of my mystery fish (I am hoping to take the REEF fish course out here soon, as the invertebrates course was great)