So, I have to ask...

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Jenny you sound pretty dorky to me. I like cats too. :)
I just wanna have fun diving and poke pufferfish. I like going slow and looking at the fishes one dive and poking pufferfish, and playing in the sand the next and poking pufferfish.. I just enjoy being under water and poking pufferfish. I must admit though, I do not have pretty nails to poke pufferfish, the dog recently died, and I like cats and poking pufferfish. I do not dive with a snorkel and poke pufferfish. though I own quite a few (pink) and poke pufferfish. Am I a dork when I poke pufferfish.?
Being a Dork Diver means never having to say your sorry for poking pufferfish! Your unabased commitment to this sport is amazing Jen-ny!
Being a Dork Diver means never having to say your sorry for poking pufferfish! Your unabased commitment to this sport is amazing Jen-ny!

Oh, Pete! What a snazzy new avatar! I know who made it! :D
Being a Dork Diver means never having to say your sorry for poking pufferfish! Your unabased commitment to this sport is amazing Jen-ny!
:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
thanks for the laugh! I really needed it!
So[...] what does DORK stand for ????
Fancy you asking...
Divers Oblivious to Rude Kibitzers
  • Divers: self-explanatory
  • Oblivious: "unmindful, unconscious, unaware; forgetful, without remembrance or memory" (i.e. we either pay no attention or just don't let it stay with us)
  • Rude: also self-explanatory
  • Kibitzers: "(Yiddish) a meddler who offers unwanted advice to others."
(original post in the Manifesto thread)
oh oh.. that sounds frightenly like me! I have been "accused" of such atrocities!:shock:
Princess Penny, you are definitely no dork. You are in fact the coolest diver that I know, on this board. :heart: :heart:

Coolest DPV too, just like mine!
Would it make me any dorkier to know that I just bought some soft lime green Crocs? I'm told they're hideous and my daughter does not want me to wear them in public. :D

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