So, I have to ask...

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..........we have gone full circle..............we are back to nails.
Ok , there is nothing like a good Ring Shank, I dont care what you say

But a good lost head can work in a pinch too........
But a good lost head can work in a pinch too........
...........oh yeah der hey, a good lost head will work too dont ya know.........
...I am sure it helps with gas planning for the type of diving you do.

SCR is the best benchmark that I have found for tracking physical fitness and also fitness to dive. It is the one calculation that I would recommend to everyone who dives, to log regularly, and compare, from time to time, and season to season.

When your SCRs are consistently low, then you know you are diving efficiently and that you are in good physical shape. It is tangible evidence that the jogging and/or the bicycling etc are paying off.

When your SCRs are high, it means you are either out of shape, or else something unusual occurred on the dive, or that you are suddenly wasting too much effort expending energy underwater, like kicking when you should be hovering, or fighting the current when you should be ducking under it.

So that's why I recommend it. To all.
So it's not Dorky to have a tiara on your scooter? Sweeeet. (I really wanted it painted purple........) What if the most use it has seen has been a few wreck dives in Lake Erie and a couple of midwestern quarries?

Oh, and no snorkel. Gets in the way of my long hose. :14:
If the water is rough on the surface I just breathe my backgas. That's why I've got so much. :D

Princess Penny, you are definitely no dork. You are in fact the coolest diver that I know, on this board. :heart: :heart:

Coolest DPV too, just like mine!
SCR is the best benchmark that I have found for tracking physical fitness and also fitness to dive. It is the one calculation that I would recommend to everyone who dives, to log regularly, and compare, from time to time, and season to season.

When your SCRs are consistently low, then you know you are diving efficiently and that you are in good physical shape. It is tangible evidence that the jogging and/or the bicycling etc are paying off.

When your SCRs are high, it means you are either out of shape, or else something unusual occurred on the dive, or that you are suddenly wasting too much effort expending energy underwater, like kicking when you should be hovering, or fighting the current when you should be ducking under it.

So that's why I recommend it. To all.

I think this is where I say "That although that's good information, the DD forum is not where it is discussed". Or "No way. Really? Thanks!" or "Wow did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?". In here SAC stands for surface alcohol consumption. :cheers:
OOOoooo, thats what SAC means. :D Surface Alcohol consumption, unfortunately I can't have come due to my age. :(
I LOVE THIS FORUM.......i learn soooo much
1) LDS, does not stand for a religous group, ( it does but not in this forum)
2) SAC is something Im actually good at, and something you are not suppose to itch in public :no

be four you now it Im going to be gettin me a badge:) :) :)

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
be four you now it Im going to be gettin me a badge

here ya go....yer badge

here ya go....yer badge


WOW!! :blinking: Somebody should make that into a sticker!
I just wanna have fun diving. I like going slow and looking at the fishes one dive, and playing in the sand the next. I just enjoy being under water. I must admit though, I do not have pretty nails, the dog recently died, and I like cats. I do not dive with a snorkel, though I own quite a few (pink). Am I a dork?

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