I have absolutely no problem swimming with a weight belt, although I have used one for so long that it is second nature to me now. You just have to be sure to not have so much weight that you are negatively buoyant at the surface. If you are wearing a shorty wet suit, or if you do not have super-low percent body fat, I'd suggest starting with 8 lb on your weight belt. I've gotten a little fatter in my "old age", and if I am not using a wet suit, 11 lb of weight now works best for me. I am still positively buoyant at the surface with this much weight.
Wow, 11 lbs?? Even wearing my 3/2 wetsuit, I'd go down like a rock!! In re to 'swimming with ...', I agree. Once you get used to it, not an issue at all ...
Now, if I could only find a way to get my wife to carry a couple of 'extra pounds' for those times when, after doing some deeper stuff, I find myself a bit 'light' for taking shots at 10-15ft ...