1998, i was feeding a group of 5 small to medium size reefs in Cayman when a 6-7 footer took a run at my back and got a mouth of tank and ruined my seaquest balance bcd.@cerich
It would be most educational as well as interesting to share with the board about actual shark attacks rather that the current speculation so rampart on this thread
Please post when, where and what kind of diving you were doing when you experienced your shark attack (s)
Also your friend or aquatnace who was attacked
It would be appreciated by all..
Had a few friends bitten, mostly hands, one foot, also feeding.
having sharks around made customers happy, so we would go out at dawn and feed them then go bring divers to the site where the sharks would still be hanging around.. good tips
Because of said behaviour and the very real possibility of the cayman gov charging us (more the first really) we stopped after doing for about 8 months