@Scuba Lawyer
Ha! Sam, the stories I could tell you about Coralee.... But then, again, you likely know most of them. However, there was that time she and I went to the 1979 DEMA in New Orleans....
She was definitely one of a KIND ! She was one busy body who some how knew every one I think the mold was broken with her-- and we can be eternally grateful that it was broken beyond repair
As I recall it was Coralee who introduced me to a 15 year old Mark- so many years ago
At the first IQ she knew and personally introduced me to Mr. Busy Body, Bill High who was also a male Coralee, and convinced the diving world 40 years later they needed PSI and it would cost $$$ for his course.
The last contact was at Mike Goodwin's new home house warming, I had been invited via of a special BC Harry Rescigno of Inflatable Systems was designing and I was testing and evaluating for Mike. Coralee and Genie Bear Sleeper were renting a home from Mike..... It was quite a party..
A few years later Mike was accused and later convicted of orchestrating the execution of Micky Thompson and his wife (Judy?) in their driveway. He is now incarcerated for life in San Quintin . As I recall his wife was convicted as a accessory and received 15 years.
A year ago Coralee called me -- She had located me vis SCUBA board-- she is now married and immersed in strange religious movement in Oregon -- So Mark be forewarned
These were the days of our dives. Which will never ever be experienced again on this earth
Good Luck with Sea Hunt Forever