i didn't think i was going to stir up this much contrevercy. As we all know this is the net possibly a nich site for some but still the net. What ever you do there is going to be a least one bad apple.
As i have read the comments here i see that people can be booted out, as others have said some can change there names.
we are all looking for something in here weather its news, facts, a place to vent ect. This is a common ground for divers, and it seems to be a great place, i have found a lot of great information and fun here.
As single divers some of you have possably met others here on a fluke. I was just looking to see if i could find an all in one spot, information fun and some single people that might want to get to gether for various reasons. There is some info on our profiles and as it was sugested mabey there can be some additions there. That would be a nice start. From there as some said to keep it a family place there could be rules. There was a reply in here hi im a single diver looking for a female diver. If that works, limit the language in that forum. like single diver looking for female diver companion for diving and other. There are many ways to do it, it is just a matter of yes or no. It will also require some trial and error. Post some possable rules and get some suggestions on them. Some will like them some will not, that is what a forum is for isn't it. Find a happy medium. give us some imput and we will give you some. It is a great place here, and i, not knowing all about it think it must have come about with input from all.
thanks for listining