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Some sort of verifiable registration process is probably a good idea. It will keep underage posters out, and will also encourage more appropriate behavior by removing the veil of anonymity.

Hopefully it will also lessen the likelyhood of the kind of incident that will shut the forum down for all of you.

Have fun singles,
ScottyK once bubbled...
Some sort of verifiable registration process is probably a good idea. It will keep underage posters out, and will also encourage more appropriate behavior by removing the veil of anonymity.

The problem is that your not going to keep all the underage people out of it unless you can verify 100% their age and put a password on the forum once that is done and then your not garenteed anyway. heck underage people get on porn sites all the time. It's something that can't be governed except from the home by the parents. Even software like net nanny can't keep them out of everything.
Natasha once bubbled...
Dear Singles:
I am married. That has nothing to do with the fact that I'm hoping we can have a Single's forum on SB.
I am about 75% for it right now, and 25 % not for it.
My reasons being for it are this ..
#1 I always want to see SB grow. When I became a member there were about 100 of us.
Now we are close to 20,000.
I believe a SF will help to grow SB.
#2 I do feel there is a need to help Single's find each other as related to scuba.
#3 It will help in keeping the board clean. When organizing single's views, and threads, makes it easier to have them in their own forum.
Next my concerns on why I am 25% opposed.

Great post girl! However if haven't been married that long and you may have met your SO via the least via diving which is AWESOME!!!

NOT everyone is interested in meeting an SO...however having good buddies to dive with who happen to be single is a PLUS!!!!

The idea of rules that perhaps we help create is shows we can self police ourselves and it makes it easier for the already over burdened monitors should they decide to grant our request!

Kudos to you girl!!!! And thanks for working for us behind the scenes!!! ww
ScottyK once bubbled...
Some sort of verifiable registration process is probably a good idea. It will keep underage posters out, and will also encourage more appropriate behavior by removing the veil of anonymity.
Well, such a thing would certainly discourage un-desirable behaviour...but maybe some heavy moderating would have to occur so the snowball never gets a chace to start rolling...

I'm just not convinced that the trouble would be worth it.

And Wreck W....I'm not pissed, angry, uposet, or even close...I think this is a good discussion and ultimately, if done correctly could be a wonderful addition to the board. (BTW...I live to play devil's advocate)
As Was One suggested, if we do not provide a Singles Forum, many singles will go elsewhere looking for it. Even worse, it'll mostly be new members like him we lose.


I'm glad you read between the lines, and saw what I was saying.
If everyone involved can "police" the forum, by helping make the rules..all the better.

I'm not sure what my backround has to do with it.

Since I feel close to divers on SB, I have no problem stating my past.
I was married for 14 years in my first marriage. Then, I was divorced for 4 years, and now remarried to a diver for 3 1/2 years.

I did not meet him on SB, since there was no SB then. But, I did meet him by selling him one of my group scuba trips to Belize.
Not sure why that matters, but, as I said I have no problem being honest.
"Maybe if they decide to put in a singles forum they can put a disclaimer at the top of it explaining that it really isn't for underage members and to enter at your own risk."

We need to keep it clean.
I have to say this, you have never been anything but repectful and honest with me in the past. If the powers that be would like, I would be more then willing to watch a singles forum.
Natasha once bubbled...

I'm glad you read between the lines, and saw what I was saying.
If everyone involved can "police" the forum, by helping make the rules..all the better.

Cool...I think we can all do that!

Natasha once bubbled...
I'm not sure what my backround has to do with it.

I merely was trying to say that I didn't think it had been that long ago since you were single and therefore could remember what it is like! Either way....congrats on finding your own diver!
Finding travel partners and dive buddies has been a challenge ...

I am for a singles forum 100% ... and those that break the rules are barred from the board ... period.

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