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That Wormil guy looks pretty cute but I think I'm older than his ma. Oh well. :crafty:

Lol. I'm not too sure about that one. But I'm sure my mom would tell you she's 20 ^_-

My next dive will be 16. I've been certified since Aug 31st :) There was only one weekend I didn't dive and that was doctor's orders. This may be the second I'm not supposed to dive... I'm trying to go as often as possible!
Where is the personality rating?

Like this:
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being a total dickhead and 1 being so loving and kind it would make Oprah sick.

I would say I am a 2 :wink: ok at times a 3 lol

Brian leave Tims hair alone :)

Tim post what you are looking for :wink:
maybe a 2.5 but not a 4 on the DH scale.
Kayla, I have met, dived and dined with Wormil. He is OK in my book (Ok, W, you owe me $20 :D). Even tried to talk him into the MOF thread, if he knows you're there, maybe he will join...

Well, anyone that can survive my MOFia partners in crime gets tons of extra brownie points in my book!!! :wink:
LOL!!!! Omg. Lol, MoF >.> Priorities lol...
I should make my own thread "Wormil is awesome..." :D

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